Chapter 20: Normal Couple Things

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March 2015

You had two Netflix and chill days in the end. Venturing out of the bunker on the third day for a supply run and an appointment at a doctors office a few towns over for you to enquire about getting back on the pill. The two of you had really made up for lost time over the past couple of days and birth control had become your priority.

Your boyfriend, that was still weird to say, had a one track mind, living up to his promiscuous reputation. But who were you kidding, you enjoyed every second of it and sex was finally starting to feel a lot more comfortable again. As were the two of you with each other.

Dean was sitting in the waiting area when you left the examination room after your appointment with the local GP. You carried a small paper bag in your hand, containing all the information and packaging of the new IUD you had opted for. You had been lucky the practice had one available for you then and there, as normally it required a script from a pharmacist first.

It felt a little strange when it was first inserted, but the Doctor assured you it would only last a day or two before your body adjusted to it. You thanked her for her time and then continued to finalise everything at the front desk before walking over to join Dean.

Together, the two of you left the doctors surgery and continued down the street back to Baby. Dean took the bag from your hand, replacing the twisted paper handles with his fingers while he carried it in his other. The action was sweet, albeit unnecessary, which caused a giggle to escape you.

"What?" He asked through a grin.

You shook your head at him. "You're a real gentlemen. You know that? You put on this tough image, but I know the truth..."

"Yeah... Well don't go telling everyone or the douchebags we hunt will catch on..." He chuckled and then raised the bag in his hand, changing the subject. "So do you need to take these with food? Cause I'm starving."

"You're always hungry." You commented before answering the question. "And nah... There's no pills in there..." Dean looked at you confused and disappointed at the same time, causing you to snort. "You can relax... That's the packaging from the IUD the..."

"The what?" He jumped in before you could explain.

Knowing his history of schooling, you doubted he'd bothered to retain any information the teachers had tried to give him over the few months total he would have experienced in his life. So subjects such as history or algebra were probably barely touched on let alone if he'd actually made it to a sex education class. Not that he needed any instruction in that department.

You already knew the chances of him knowing what an IUD was were slim however, and you had prepared yourself for this. Which is why the paper bag carried information on the contraceptive device in case he was concerned he could accidentally knock you up once he stopped wearing protection during sex with you.

In a hushed tone, you began your mentally practised explanation. "Eye You Dee. It stands for Intrauterine Device... It does the same thing as the pill, I just don't have to remember to take it every day because it's already there, inside... With the hunting and what happened to me with the abduction, I thought it was probably a good idea... Unless God decides to magic it away too..." That thought made you physically shiver.

Dean's face showed a look of concentration as he listened to what you were telling him. There was even a slight amount of fascination on his face. When you commented on your abduction though, his brow furrowed at first, before letting out a huff of laughter and then finally showing a look of concern. "It um, doesn't hurt?"

You shrugged. "It feels a little weird, but she said it will go away. I'm glad I had a lady doctor... It works exactly the same as the pill, same side effects and all the rest of it. Nothing I wasn't already used to..."

 Abducted: Part Two (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now