Chapter 14: Who's Courting Who?

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March 2015

The drive to Ohio was long. The four of you chatting amongst each other to distract yourselves from what was coming. Attempting to help relax Dean in the process.

Cass told you what he had been doing since he had last seen you. Between checking in on Claire and investigating Cain, he had been attempting to conserve his energy as his grace was still running low. When you asked him how his grace worked, he humoured you, explaining what abilities he usually had when fully charged and how he had been coping without it.

You even discussed his time on earth. Not just recently when he had rescued Dean from hell, but also his previous experiences before any of you were born. Who he had met, where he had been.

What fascinated you most about your talk with him, was the time when he had accidentally found himself in Perth and ended up at the horse races. From what he described, it sounded like he had been to your homeland during the Melbourne Cup festivities. Leading to a discussion on the race that stops the nation, which wound its way into Sam and Dean telling you about their many gambling trips to Vegas. Including the time Sam was forced into marriage by a girl named Becky, which lead to the boys meeting Garth. 

Around nine, Dean pulled over at a roadhouse diner, where you all had a brief chance to stretch your legs and grab a bite to eat. It was a short stop, a measly fifteen minutes on top of ordering time. But that didn't matter to Dean, because after his bacon cheeseburger, he was refreshed and ready to hit the road once more.

When midnight hit, the humming of Baby's engine and the motion of her gliding along the highway was lulling you to sleep. You knew whether you slept or not, it would have no impact on the drive or the outcome of Dean meeting Cain. But you tried your best to stay awake in moral support for the man you hoped to have a future with one day.

More than anything, you wanted to reach out and touch him. To place your hand on his shoulder or even better, to hold his hand, but it was impossible to do any of that with the current seating arrangements. So you settled on the occasional look he gave you through the rearview mirror, smiling at him whenever you caught him in the act.

When the conversations began to dwindle, you shifted your focus to the world outside. Watching the trees pass by and the other cars that drove in the opposite direction of the darkened highway. You weren't sure what time you fell asleep, but when you woke up to the light of the sunrise on your eyes from the windscreen, you remembered last checking your phone around two.

As you began to register your surroundings, you noticed Sam was driving. While the passenger seat was now occupied by Cass. Obviously awake thanks to angels not needing sleep.

Then relief washed over you as you felt the pressure of a strong hand encasing your fingers and you looked over to see Dean asleep next to you on the back seat. His hand had pulled your arm to the centre of the leather bench sometime while you had been sleeping during the early hours of the morning.

Smiling to yourself, you looked out the window beside you for some clue as to where you were. But nothing jumped out at you. The United States, at least the parts you had visited on hunts, mostly looked the same to you. All of it blending together into one blur of nature. Unique in its own right, but nothing compared to the flora of Australia.

The movement of you waking must have alerted Sam. As you felt his eyes watching you through the rearview mirror. "Hey Glowworm!" He greeted you from in front.

"Hey." You replied quietly. Your throat still dry from sleep. "When did you guys swap?" You asked. Hoping it hadn't only just happened.

"About an hour ago. Just before it got light." Sam replied knowingly. "I fell asleep shortly after you did."

 Abducted: Part Two (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now