Chapter 33: Whoever Said Romance Was Dead, Was Wrong, Dead Wrong

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May 2015

On the morning after Sam's birthday, two messages appeared on your phone screen as you busied yourself making breakfast.

- Meeting with Rowena today.
Cover for me. -

After reading the messages, you quickly deleted them and placed your phone back in the pocket of your jeans. This practice had become like second nature to you now, as you still didn't want to chance Dean seeing the messages his brother was sending you. Worried he'd figure out what Sam was doing behind his back.

You continued making your breakfast, swiping butter and Vegemite across the fresh toast you'd pulled from the toaster seconds before. It had cooled quickly and the butter didn't melt into it exactly as you liked, but you persevered. First world problems, for an Australian.

As you moved over to the mess room table with your plated breakfast and half drunken coffee, Dean came waltzing in, holding his tablet. He seemed overly enthusiastic

"Hey. You seen Sammy?" Dean asked as he placed his tablet next to the coffee machine and began fixing himself a cup.

"Yeah... Ah, I caught him as he was leaving. Something about meeting a friend in, Missouri?" Missouri. That was far enough away to excuse him for the day right? You really needed to start paying attention to the US geography you travelled through.

"Missouri?" Dean's brow furrowed. "Where?"

You shrugged, finishing the first mouthful of toast you had just taken a bite of before answering him. "You're asking the wrong person. The name of the state is the only thing I recognised... It's a friend from college. That's the more important detail." You added, realising too late that you should've just started with mentioning college. Your lying sucked. "Did you need him for something, or can I help?" You asked cheekily at the end.

Dean smirked at you, still near the coffee machine. "You already helped me with something, hard, earlier... Might get you to help me with it again later..."

He moved to sit across from you at the table, placing his coffee down first, before sliding the tablet over to you. "...I found a possible vamp case in Tulsa. Your favourite place."

Your face screwed up on that comment but you took the tablet from him and looked at the webpage he had open. It was an article of two recent deaths in the area. "What makes you so sure it's vamps? They don't really say much about the deaths."

"There's more to it than that. Check the other tabs... Actually wait, give it back..." Dean's arm stretched out and his hand flayed in an attempt to reach the device.

Looking at him curiously as you handed it back to him, you teased him with "Got something you don't want me to see?"

"Maybe." Dean grinned as he flicked through the tablet, tapping on it a couple of times. He then held the device back out for you. "Here... Check these out."

As the tablet exchanged into your hands again and you began looking at the other pages, Dean swooped in and grabbed the remaining piece of toast on your plate. Taking a rather large bite out of it. You glared at him over the screen but continued to read the article.

"So, you wanna go check it out with me? Could be a nest?" Dean asked through a mouthful of toast.

"Yeah okay. You don't wanna wait for Sam though?" You asked, reaching over to grab the remainder of your breakfast from his hand.

"Nah. We can do it. You and me. We'll make a date of it." Dean winked

"How romantic." You replied sarcastically. "They should add that to those multi choice questionnaires... What's your ideal date? Walk on the beach, Dinner and a movie or kill a nest of vamps?"

 Abducted: Part Two (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now