Chapter 39: The Not So Calm Before The Storm

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May 2015

The following day was filled with on again, off again research. While you knew the suspected name of the culprit was Eldon Styne, there wasn't a lot to go on. There were no records of him, just as there had been none of his family on the Internet over the past few weeks. They knew how to cover their tracks and stay hidden and the process was becoming so tedious, that you, Sam and Dean all ventured off between bouts of it, to give your minds a break.

Your leisure time, if you could call it that, was mostly spent on your laundry and other domestic chores. As for Sam, well you honestly had no idea what he was up to, but your best guess was something to do with reigning in Cass, Charlie and Rowena over the phone. He wasn't gone from the library long enough for you to assume he was leaving the bunker, not that you had any idea how far away the whole operation was taking place. But you were certain they were further away than the twenty minute bouts of break time, Sam was taking.

Dean on the other hand, was taking the longest breaks of all. Having decided that Baby's engine needed his attention more than the library did. You know, because Baby was your main mode of transportation and she needed her oil changed. Even though he'd done that the day after you'd all returned back from St. Louis... You would admit you were clueless about cars and their engines, but you were well aware that he never changed her oil that frequently and you began to grow suspicious of his motives.

Around four, you went to go check on him in the garage and you were, very glad you did. Your eyes were delighted to see him unknowingly showing off his bare arms and sculpted chest under the simple tee he wore, having removed his flannel and jacket. Upon seeing him like that, you decided to take a few minutes to ogle at him as a reward for working so hard on everything else. If he could play hooky, so could you.

Moving over to lean against the car parked adjacent to his beloved Impala, you commented not so subtly. "Looking good Winchester." Earning you the biggest grin as he looked over to you.

"Are you here to learn, or just pretending to be interested in my car again?" He said with a chuckle.

"I don't have to pretend anymore." You replied cheekily.

Dean just laughed at you louder before focusing back on whatever it was he'd been doing under Baby's hood. His next words coming across muffled as he talked into the engine. "You know, it wouldn't hurt you to learn a thing or two. In case you're ever in a bind..."

You snorted at that. "How will I ever get in a bind if you don't let me go off on my own?... I'm always with you guys..."

"Well once everything else is sorted, I might be able to let you outta my sight on occasion..." Dean joked. "You must know a few things, from having a car back in Oz... Or did someone else do the maintenance for you?"

"Isn't that what mechanics are for?" You replied sarcastically.

Dean shook his head. "Someone's gotta keep them in business I 'spose... Do you know how to change a tyre?" He further enquired. Still barely audible from his position under the hood.

You stepped forward so you could hold the conversation with him better. "My dad showed me once, but I always doubted that I'd be able to do it in a, bind... That's what roadside's for."

"Roadside?..." Dean spoke as if he was insulted and shook his head at you. "Maybe not today, cause I'm finished here, but I'm going to show you some stuff." He added as he wiped over the engine parts he'd been working on with the cloth in his hand. "Might even teach you how to hot wire one too..."

"If I let you show me, will you do it with your shirt off?" You smirked.

Dean's body shook in silent laughter. "Seriously?" He pulled Baby's hood down. The metal's creaking echoed through the large hanger style room. "You objectifying me now?"

 Abducted: Part Two (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now