Chapter 17: When Later Becomes Now

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March 2015

On the third day after your return from Ohio, you got up like any other day. At seven, you joined Sam on your morning run. You had somehow managed to convince him to keep it at that time ever since back in early December.

Breakfast followed at eight on your return. With the decision to not have Vegemite on toast, as there was only enough for two more servings if you were lucky.

You trained in the bunkers gym with Sam for two hours after that, before showering and moving to the library for research. The two of you scouring the Internet, hoping to find anything you may have missed in regards to the Mark of Cain. There was that word, hoping again.

Lunch followed with leftovers of the pasta you'd made for dinner the night before. You had portioned off a large serving for Dean, for when he emerged from his room to eat something. But you were disappointed every time you had opened the fridge so far that day, to see it still sitting there, making you start to worry. The man never skipped a meal.

Voicing your concerns to Sam didn't help much. While he agreed with you that it was worrying, he pointed out that the fight must've really taken its toll on Dean's body and once he had rested, he would return to normal. The younger Winchester's words weren't all that convincing and you knew by the way he spoke that he was shielding his own negative thoughts on the matter.

Research continued after lunch with Sam opting to go through the archives in room 7B, while you sat with your laptop in the library. Stopping only to get some coffee or water and to use the bathroom.

At close to four thirty, you heard footsteps walking across the war room in your direction. Looking up expecting to see Sam, you were pleasantly surprised to see Dean instead, having finally emerged from his room.

As he moved closer to you, you noticed the cuts and bruises on his face were looking much better. He stepped up behind you and placed both of his hands on your shoulders as he lowered himself down to kiss you on the head.

You moved a hand up to touch his, gently squeezing your fingers around it. "Hey." How're you feeling?"

"Better... I'm going out for a drive to clear my head and get some air. Will you come with me?" His voice was odd. You couldn't put your finger on it but there was definitely something different about it.

Without any hesitation, you replied with "Sure." And then closed the lid of your laptop to put it into sleep mode.

Dean stepped back to let you stand up out of the chair and then grabbed your hand to lead you slowly towards the curved metal stairs in the war room. Before you reached them though, you turned to ask him. "Do you want to eat something first? There's some left over pasta in the fridge. You must be hungry?"

"Nah... I'm good for now. Let's just go." He replied as he gently nudged you closer to the bunkers entrance.

Together you slowly climbed the metal steps. The thunking of Dean's boots bounced past your ears and echoed through the large atrium. You'd missed that sound, even though it had only been three days.

When you reached the top, he stepped in front of you to push the heavy door open and a wave of cool, crisp spring air hit your face. You then started your assent to the passenger side of Baby. But Dean's hand grabbed yours pulling on it a little, signalling you to stop. "I thought you could drive."

"Me?" Surely you had imagined that. You had never even sat behind the wheel of his beloved Impala, let alone driven her. "Dean, I can't drive your Baby."

"Sure you can. I saw your drivers licence the first day we met remember? Plus you told me you had a car back in Australia." And with a little force, he lead you over to the drivers door and opened it, nudging you to climb inside. "Besides, I'm still a little out of it... It's safer if you take the wheel."

 Abducted: Part Two (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now