Chapter 16: Pins And Needles

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Cain showed up not long after that. And the plan Dean, Cass and Crowley had come up with seemed to go smoothly for the most part. You and Dean had been out of sight in a back room of the barn as Sam and Cass lured Cain upstairs to a large room in the loft. A devils trap was waiting for him.

Crowley was with them, controlling a stone that he had borrowed from his mother, to give the illusion of Austin, who was now safety inside his house. When the King of Hell had mentioned his mum, you had to stifle a laugh. You wondered who she was. A maternal demon?

When the time came, Dean would walk you over to the main entrance to meet the others and pass you into Sam's care. You felt like a fragile piece of glass once again. The only thing making it better tonight, was that things were right between you and Dean, his hand holding yours.

Neither of you spoke though. Dean having instructed you that you were both to be quiet in case Cain decided to come for him and you before he was inside the barn, trapped as planned. Currently, Dean looked through a small window close to where you stood, watching Sam and the others closely.

You were waiting patiently for his signal. Squeezing your hand twice in short succession. A move that you agreed you would use from now and into the future. The idea behind it, to alert either of you to be mindful of any situation you found yourselves in. A secret and intimate way to gain the others attention.

God he was smart, you had thought when he suggested it. Not in a book-smarts way, like his brother. But logical, critical, his mind always working, always planning. Most likely like his father John, who you knew had been in the US military.

You felt like the luckiest girl in the world, knowing that he had become interested in you. That he wanted a life with you. You just hoped that when the time came, and you finally moved things to the next level, that he wouldn't feel disappointed or cheated by you. What if there was no chemistry between the sheets?

Again. Not the damn time girl. You doubted Dean thought this much about sex as you did. Then again, you knew he'd had many hook ups, so he didn't need to.

Luckily, or not so, you were pulled away from your thoughts as you felt the first squeeze. You looked over to him in search of his face as you felt the second. He had still been looking through the window as he completed the signal. But when he finally moved his gaze to you, you saw a look of determination, not fear as you had expected. He was ready.

Dean let go of your hand and placed his on the small of your back. Leading you towards the front entrance of the barn where Sam was waiting for you. He gently pushed his hand into your torso pressing firm on the skin below your clothes. His final touch before he took on Cain.

Sam, Crowley and Cass all stood before you and you moved yourself to stand between the younger Winchester and the angel.

"My turn." Dean stated simply as he stood before the four of you. Your eyes moved from him to Sam, knowing what Sam was about to suggest.

"Dean... Look... We want to help..." Sam begun but his older brother wasn't having it.

Dean shook his head. His voice low and gruff. "No. No... This is between me and Cain. I'm the one that went and poked the bear so I'm the one that needs to take him down and I won't have you there. I won't be able to concentrate knowing he might turn on you instead... And I need you out here to take care of whatever comes out of there. Whether that's me or him" His speech began to waver. "And I'm serious. I mean whatever comes out..."

"I'll happily take you out Squirrel." Crowley quipped before Sam or Cass could protest further.

Ignoring Crowley, Dean addressed you and Sam together. His eyes darting between the two of you. "Remember what we discussed alright. You both have your own jobs to do..." You bit your lip and nodded your head lightly. You saw Sam doing a similar gesture with just a single movement.

 Abducted: Part Two (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now