Chapter 12: My Door Is Always Open

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March 2015

You awoke the next morning, lying on your stomach. Your head was facing the direction of Sam's bed. He seemed to be rousing himself, judging by the stretch and groaning sound he made.

Turning to look on the other side of you, you noticed Dean wasn't there. You flipped yourself over and sat up. Your eyes wandering the room for your cuddling parter. But he was nowhere to be seen.

The bathroom door was wide open and you listened carefully for any sounds that might echo over the tiles as he brushed his teeth or washed his face. It was quiet though. Except for the interruption of Sam's voice. "Morning Glowworm." He greeted you.

You turned your head back over to look at the youngest Winchester, and replied "Morning Sam." You then raised your knees up together and stretched your arms across the top of them, out in front of you.

"Where's Dean?" Sam asked you. Having also noticed his brothers absence from the motel room.

You pulled your arms back to your torso, holding them like chicken wings as you shrugged your shoulders. "No idea. I just woke up too..."

Your phone had been charging on the bedside table between yours and Sam's bed. Unplugging the device and picking it up, you checked the screen to see the time and if you'd received any messages. But there was nothing from Dean to explain his whereabouts.

"He probably went to go get food or something..." Sam commented as he stood up and walked over to his duffle bag. "We should get ready. We gotta prison to visit." He spoke way too excitedly for your liking.

"Hey Sam?" You called over to him before he shut the bathroom door. "There aren't any other famous criminals at this prison are there?" Sam didn't reply, he just chuckled as he shut the door. Another groan escaped your lips as a result.

Pushing back the covers of the bed, you dropped your feet onto the floor and stood up. You walked over to your bag that was over by the table with Sam and Dean's and then picked it up. Then moved back over to sit at the end of the bed you'd shared with the older Winchester. You opened it up and ruffled through it to find what you needed for the day.

Going to the prison meant FBI gear.

While you still had the emerald green blazer you'd bought back in September with Dean, you hadn't brought it with you. Thanks to loosing weight from your training with Sam and the shopping spree you'd done over the Christmas period, you now had more options to your 'business wardrobe'.

There were two extra blazers to choose from, three different blouses, an extra pair of slacks and a long length pencil skirt. Knowing where you were going though, you'd packed the simplest and least form fitting. You didn't feel much like looking like a piece of meat in a place that housed murderers and rapists.

As you began fixing your hair while you waited for your turn to change, the door to the room opened. You looked up to see Dean stepping inside with a cardboard tray of coffee in his right hand and a bag, presumably holding food in his left. He was already dressed up as his alias for the day, Inspector Ranaldo.

"Hey." He grinned as he saw you. Placing the tray and bag on the round table, before he moved over to you holding two cups.

You currently had your hair tie held by your teeth and lips and a muffled greeting was all you could give him in return. Your hands were too busy to take the cup he had brought to you, but he waited patiently grinning. Once you had brushed the thin strands back neatly, you were able to put the brush down and move the offending piece of elastic from your mouth.

"Hey." You tried again. Quickly tying your hair and gratefully taking the cup from him.

Dean then used his free hand to rest on your shoulder as he bent down and kissed the top of your head. Standing straight again he walked over to the table and sat down facing you. "I've got muffins over here too if you want one. Breakfast of champions." He stated gleefully as he pulled out a very large blueberry looking muffin.

 Abducted: Part Two (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now