Chapter 34: Welcome Home

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May 2015

You traced the couple you'd spotted at the bar to the darkened caravan park you know stood in the middle of. Dean handing you the smaller machete you usually used at the back of Baby.

It had always been the easiest one for you to hold out of all the others he owned. The grip fit your hand perfectly but it was the weight of it that suited your arm best. Allowing you to slice through the air faster and into a vamps neck with ease.

Luckily, it was just the right length for the task. As anything shorter would risk not severing the head off completely. Resulting only in a nearly headless vampire. One that was still capable of causing harm.

Dean also handed you a syringe full of dead man's blood which you placed in your pocket. "It's fresh." He grinned. "Stole a sample from the bodies in the morgue earlier. Nice little bit of poetic justice for the girls don't you think?"

You squirmed on that comment. He had a point but he was a little too enthusiastic making it. "Yeah. I guess so." Your response caused him to chuckle at you. "You're enjoying this way too much."

"What can I say? Hunting makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. Especially when I get to wind down after it with you." He winked.

"And yet you wanna quit hunting in the future." You stated back. "Why would you even stop if you love the process so much?"

Dean covered the secret compartment once more and pulled the lid down over it. Locking Baby with her keys before putting them away in his jacket pocket. He grinned at you again, now considering a smart arse comeback no doubt and he didn't disappoint, unfortunately for you. "I could change my mind y'know. Just drop you all together and go back to the way I used to do things."

Your jaw dropped. Sure, you had technically walked yourself right into that one, but it was a low blow and you scoffed. Deciding to dish one back. "What one night stands with bar skanks?"

He whistled at your comment. Surprised by the way you'd just referred to other women with such a derogatory term. You were surprised on your own to be honest. "That's a bit harsh sweetheart... I didn't meet them all at bars. Some of them I met in diners and gas stations..."

You huffed in disbelief before Dean's hand grabbed your machete and placed it on the top of Baby with his own. His arms coming to wrap around you and pull you close. "All jokes aside, your'e my future, whether we're still hunting or not, so be careful." He then gave you a chaste kiss before letting you go and handing your blade back to you. "You ready?"

"Yeah." You agreed. Still reeling from the tender moment you'd just shared.

Reeling, that is until Dean ruined the sweetness of it all with his next words as he started walking away. "Good. The sooner we kill the vamps, the sooner we can get back to our room and wind down together with some shower sex."

Your boyfriend, ever the romantic... Not that you would have him any other way.

You shook your head and chased after him. The two of you walking together silently across the grass towards the trailer you had narrowed your search down to. There were six vampires you needed to find that night and you both hoped they would all be there, waiting for you and ready to be ganked.

Further ahead, you could hear laughing and carrying on coming from a blazing bonfire which lit up the surrounds. Five figures sat around it drinking, two of them cuddling on a deck chair closest to the flames. That had to be them.

Over the laughter and talking, screaming could just be heard. Seeming to come from the inside of the cabin you had been heading towards.

Dean signalled for you to come in from the left while he chose the right. The two of you veering off from each other to come in from behind the caravan. From your new position, you watched and waited for Dean to take the lead as was your usual arrangement. Not moving until you saw him jump out and slice the neck of the vamp closest to him before they knew what was happening.

 Abducted: Part Two (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now