Chapter 24: Putting For Angels

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April 2015

Dean had been wrong about the mini golf still being open that night. You had discovered this minutes after you had begun telling Claire the details of your abduction, when you made it to the entrance of the main building. The lights on the outdoor courses remained on, but the lights inside the shop had been turned off. Minus those that lit up the drinks fridge near the counter and the couple that came from the other electrical appliances.

According to the sign next to the entrance, the place only opened on a Sunday. And as it was a Friday night and the hunter was now determined to play a round of miniature golf, he had began to wander around the perimeter. You and Claire following him as he looked for an alternative way to get in.

"And you still don't know why you were brought here?" Claire asked as the two of you watched Dean pick the lock of the side gate into the park.

You shook your head. "No. I honestly don't know if I ever will. According to Cass and, well every other angel Dean and Sam have met, God hasn't been seen in years... The last time the protection spell did it's thing though, was thanks to an angel named Metatron..."

Claire chuckled at that and you grinned at her. "I know right... He's the one who told me I'd been touched by God in the first place. And when he asked me to recall what happened that night, he seemed to think that one of my friends was God in disguise..."

"So you went clubbing with God?" Claire asked amused.

"Apparently so..." You sighed before turning your attention to Dean and calling out to him. "How's it going babe?" When he didn't answer you, you stepped closer to him and added. "Doesn't this seem like a little too much effort to play one game of putt putt?"

Dean's arms stopped their movements and he turned to give you a strange look. Claire had followed you to stand next to him and was giving you the same expression. "Putt putt?" Your boyfriend asked mockingly. "Why would anyone call it that?"

"Because you play it with the putter." Your Australian accent making the end syllable of the word sound softer than you knew Dean and Claire would say it. "Putt putt, putter... You know, because you putt, the ball into the hole?" You held your arms out as if you were hitting a golf ball with the aforementioned stick.

"Putt-ah? Really sweetheart?..." He chuckled. "You just can't make this stuff up." Dean used his thumb to point at you and Claire began to chuckle with him.

"Putt-ah, putt-ah." The teen joined in on his apparent fun.

"Wait till you hear her say water." Dean continued, attempting to say the word the way you said it, with a similar ending to putter. "Wartah."

You sighed and rolled your eyes at both of them. This was going to be a long night for you. "I can't believe this is what you two are going to bond over?"

When Dean looked at you and realised you weren't impressed, he stepped up to you, encircling his arms around your body. He then kissed you on the cheek before speaking. "I think the way you speak is adorable."

"Mmhmm. Are you going to finish getting us into this place or what?" You asked sarcastically.

Dean grinned at you. "I already picked the lock. We just need to find the, sticks, and some balls... Come on."

He released you from his embrace and grabbed a hold of your hand to pull you forward. Claire moving closer again to the two of you.

The lock was removed from the metal  gate and Dean ushered the two of you inside before he pulled it closed again. "This way." He motioned, before stepping in front of you both and leading the way up to the rear of the main building, where you assumed you'd find the objects you needed to play the game.

 Abducted: Part Two (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now