the beginning

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"Oh my god," Y/N thought, this is it. The moment she had been waiting for. The stage lights were shining on her face, while the dancers got into position. This was her time to shine with the one and only—

"Hey? You good?" Yujin, her closest friend, asked, waving her hand in front of Y/N's face, snapping her out of her daydream.

"Sorry, I've just been so hyper-fixated on Enhypen's new comeback. Did you hear that this time they're fully leaning into their vampire concept?" Y/N's eyes sparkled with excitement.

Yujin laughed, shaking her head at how adorable her friend could be when she was fully immersed in her favorite group. "Hey, you came here to hang out at my place, not talk about some silly boys," Yujin teased, a smirk playing on her lips.

Y/N groaned, knowing her best friend never really got into those types of things. Ever since high school, Yujin had grown into a loud party-goer, while Y/N had always been the type to stay at home, diving into her passions quietly. This difference never bothered them; instead, it made them closer in some strange way.

"YUJIN! Y/N! GUESS WHAT?" A loud yell echoed through the halls, startling both girls.

"What is it now, Theo? Didn't I tell you to stay in your room when Y/N's here?" Yujin sighed, frustration evident in her tone.

"OKAY, BUT THIS IS BIG! This group of dancers is hosting a K-pop random dance here!" Theo exclaimed, his excitement palpable.

Y/N's eyes widened with excitement. She had been a dancer for a few years, practicing in studios and having private lessons, but she had never danced in public. She could almost feel the excited butterflies in her stomach already.

"And guess what? There are going to be scouts for K-pop companies who might find some lucky people," Theo added, shifting his gaze to Y/N with a knowing look.

"Haha, very funny, Theo. You guys know I don't dance in public," Y/N said, trying to dismiss the idea. But after hearing about the scouts, she felt a little nervous and discouraged. She knew there were going to be many lucky people who would get scouted, just not her.

"Hey, stupid, listen to me," Yujin said, placing a reassuring hand on Y/N's shoulder. "You are an amazing dancer, and I've seen you put the effort and time into perfecting your craft. Don't let some people doing their jobs scare you, okay? If you really want to, I can come as well for moral support."

Y/N smiled and hugged Yujin tightly. Even though Yujin had no interest at all in these K-pop things, she would always support her best friend no matter what.

"Wow, Yujin, that's the nicest thing I've heard from you," Y/N said, her voice muffled against Yujin's shoulder.

"Theo, GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" Yujin yelled suddenly, causing Y/N to jump back.

"Is that the smell of cigarettes? Looks like I should tell mom—" Theo began, a mischievous grin on his face.

"OUT!" Yujin pushed Theo out of the room and locked the door behind him. "God, he's so annoying," she muttered, turning back to Y/N.

Y/N laughed, the tension easing from her shoulders. She immediately switched her attention to all the songs she had learned the choreography to. She had learned plenty of songs but still wanted to perfect them.

"Hey, Yujin, does your boyfriend still own that dance studio?" Y/N asked, a hint of hope in her voice.

"Why? You wanna steal him from me?" Yujin teased, raising an eyebrow playfully.

"NONO, YOU KNOW I DON'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT—" Y/N stammered, her face turning a deep shade of red.

"I'm just kidding. Yeah, Taemin still owns it. If you want, I can text him to see if you could borrow it for some time to practice," Yujin said, pulling out her phone.

"AH, THANK YOU SO MUCH, YUJIN!" Y/N hugged Yujin as tightly as possible until she pulled away, her heart racing with excitement.

As Yujin typed away on her phone, Y/N's mind raced. This was finally her moment to show everyone what she was capable of, and maybe, just maybe, get scouted by a K-pop company.

Later that evening, Y/N returned to her small apartment, which was filled with Enhypen merchandise. Posters adorned every wall, albums and photo books were neatly stacked on shelves, and a collection of figurines and lightsticks decorated her desk. Her apartment was her sanctuary, a place where she could immerse herself in her passion for dance and her love for Enhypen.

She set her bag down and flopped onto her bed, surrounded by plushies of her favorite members. Y/N stared up at the ceiling, her mind still buzzing with possibilities. She picked up her phone and started scrolling through her playlist of K-pop songs, mentally noting which ones she wanted to perfect before the random dance event. Each song brought back memories of countless hours spent in front of the mirror, adjusting her movements, striving for perfection.

As the night wore on, Y/N found herself unable to sleep. She got up and moved to the small corner of her apartment that served as her dance practice space. Turning on the music, she let the familiar beats wash over her, her body moving almost instinctively. With each movement, she felt more confident, more sure of herself. She danced until her muscles ached and her breath came in heavy gasps.

Finally, she collapsed onto the floor, staring up at the ceiling. She could do this. She had to believe in herself. The random dance event was just the beginning, a chance to prove to herself and everyone else that she was ready for the next step.

a/n: hi everyone !! this is my first ff im ever writing so pls be kind 😭 sorry for the short chapter but i promise you longer chapters are yet to come !! happy reading <33

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