The Wheel Of Reincarnation

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-Story Start-

You know, I take great pride in my forgetfulness. Why? Well, the less you know, the fewer reasons you have to stress about life and the likely useless knowledge you've accumulated in the grand scheme of the universe.

Speaking of the grand scheme of the universe, Right now. I am panicking and cursing my usual forgetfulness for what seems to be the first time in my life.

I, seem to have found myself in an empty and soulless white room, that seems to stretch infinitely.

Of course, I have absolutely no idea how I just got here. My brain, usually despite its aforementioned poor memory, actually remembers critical data.


"That's because it's purposeful~!" I heard a cheery and gleeful tone of voice coming from behind me.

Turning, I am met with... A small and majestic Dragon? I meet its Amethyst eyes with my own as I feel a terrible chill go down my spine.

"Why thank you!" It responds with the same cheery tone.

Okay. So it's like this.

Lowering my head, I use the available information to form a couple of obvious conclusions.

First, I am in a white room, with absolutely no memory of how I got here.

Second, there is a Dragon here.

Third, It can talk and read my mind.

Fourth, There is a Dragon here.


"Wowo, calm down boyo! Could you keep an open mind for a second for me?" The DRAGON states placatingly.

I raise my head to meet the creature's eyes, as I shakingly respond to the clear anomaly in front of me

"S-Sure, open mind yeah, I'll obey the Dragon in front of me... Sounds like a great idea..." Couldn't help but let a little bit of my humor leak in that one statement, let's hope it won't be getting me killed!

"Oh don't worry, that won't be necessary! After all... You're already dead~! Also, forgot I can read your mind kid?" The Dragon stated with a tone as if he were talking about the weather, in complete contrast to the literal bombshell he just dropped

"W-What? No, no no. This is just an elaborate prank. You're just a high-quality animatronic or something! T-That's it! Hahaha!"

"Nope! I can prove it! Take a look at yourself now!" The Dragon stated as it pointed at me with its claw.

I do as instructed only to see...

"A-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!" I let out a guttural scream, at noticing nothing below my head, nothing. My entire body... gone. Unfeeling.

"Do you believe me now?" It states gently, putting the nail in the coffin of my denial.

As he completes his sentence my body magically reappears, Clear evidence of the reality breaking powers at work.

*SLAM* I drop to the ground at the life-shattering realization.

*Gulp* I can't help but gulp, as memories of my life flash before my eyes at that one absurd sentence. Memories, Regrets, and much much more.

My Parents, My Brother, and my Sister... Didn't get the chance to convey I loved them...

My Friends... We wanted to travel the world together, didn't we?

My School Life... God, I only had one year left to finish high school. A taste of real life outside of school. Now permanently out of my grasp...


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