Onimiyako & Round Deer

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

Three weeks had dragged on as Team 7 trudged through their seemingly never-ending and arduous journey towards the Land Of Woods, all to fulfill a seemingly simple yet obstinately prolonged C-Rank mission.

But why was it so arduous, you ask?

Allow me to shed some light!


From the vast flowing rivers in the Land Of... Rivers.

Where the waters flowed endlessly, frustration bubbled up.

"OI NARUTO! PRACTICE YOUR WATER WALKING SOMEWHERE ELSE! I'VE BEEN TRYING TO FISH US SOME FOOD!" Akira's voice echoed, frustration evident as he expertly wielded a fishing rod.

"I second that." Sasuke chimed in, his neutral stoic expression etched onto his face like it was carved in stone.

"SHUT UP! YOUR PETS HAVE CAUGHT LOTS OF FISHIES ANYWAY!" Naruto roared back, pointing dramatically at the distant trio of Noc, Mir, and Jeff, who were doing an uncannily excellent job of catching fish.

"SHUT UP! IT'S A MATTER OF PRIDE! ALSO, SASUKE, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TALK! YOU'RE DOING THE EXACT SAME THING PRACTICING THAT JUTSU KAKASHI TAUGHT YOU!" Akira snarked back, turning theatrically to point at Sasuke, who had an innocent yet smug look on his face, standing on the riverbank where Akira had been fishing.

It is worthy to note that Kakashi had not taught Akira any Jutsu.

No envy there whatsoever!

Not in the slightest!

...If you ask him.

"Hehe~" Kakashi giggled as he relaxed on a tree branch, ignoring the antics of his Genin as he was currently re-reading a very spicy scene in his favorite book.

...A book he had already read more than fifty times.


The scorching deserts in The Land Of Wind!

Naruto, weakened by the scorching desert sun, grumbled, "So... Hot... Water..."

Annoyed by his constant complaints, Akira turned to him, "Okay."

Akira swiftly performed hand signs, voicing, "Water Style - Wild Water Wave."

Torrents of water surged from his mouth, catching Naruto off guard.

"THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT-" were Naruto's last panicked words before he got hit by the wave of water and was sent flying.

Kakashi questioned, 'Why's he so moody?' as he observed his blonde student being flung by a wave of water across the desert.

Good question!

Must be the heat?


The tall, spacious plateaus and hills in the Land Of Birds!

"Would you mind letting me down? This is kind of embarrassing..." Kakashi's words came out garbled as Team 7 sat on top of Level 2 Nue, flying high above the clouds, the wind on their faces making conversation a bit of a challenge.

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