A Reality Check I Never Asked For

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

- Author Note Start-

Here's another chapter! Did I say 3 days till the next chapter? Well, Get used to it. Because I lie! A lot! The next chapter comes out in 4 days :D.

It's a short chapter by the way.

The next one's longer of course.

Anyways, I'm interested in how you guys are interpreting the MC according to my writing. I'm curious if you guys are getting the interpretation I'm trying to convey here. And whether or not you like him as of now. This feedback is important so I'll know whether I'm writing him correctly/incorrectly and I can adjust accordingly.

Thanks for reading and hope you have a fantastic day! And... Enjoy!

'Indicates Thoughts'

"Indicates Speech"

*Indicates an action being done. for example... *Cough* *

""Indicates Multiple Peoples Speech""

(Indicates Author comment thing)

-Author note end-

-Story Start-

-6 Months And 1 Day Post Birth-

It's currently evening, about to transition to nighttime. Or so my internal clock estimates. I am a bit far from the window, if I stand up I might be able to look at it. However! I'm currently laying down rather comfortably I should say, and I sure as hell ain't going through the endeavor of trying to stand up to take a look at the window!

As you can tell, I'm currently located in my home base. The Baby Pen.

Onto The Akira Baby Status Report!

So, it's been exactly half a year since my rebirth. April 9th is my birthday if you were curious!

We were just done celebrating my half-year birthday.

Why is the celebration a day late? Well, Dad was busy taking care of a few fawns that were rescued from the outskirts of the Land Of Fire. Or far away in dumber terms. Yes, my Dad works at the Nara Deer Nursery. That's where my parents met by the way. They like to babble about it on and on to each other. It gets annoying sometimes I admit.

By the by, A recognizable face did appear! Shikaku arrived to congratulate me on a happy birthday! He looks considerably younger than I remembered him. So that gives me some hope! But what really cemented it and confirmed my timeline officially was the fact that his wife was missing from the celebration because her son was recently born. Translation... Shikamaru's a little younger than me. Other than that, Shikaku's a pretty chill dude, gave me a deer plushie, and left me to play with it alone. He is known to be lazy, isn't he? In retaliation, I took out the deer's eyes in front of him just to spite him. The bewildered look he had was worth the trouble! He didn't stay for long though, said something about having to stand in for the Hokage as he was busy with something. None of my business anyways.

All in all, Terribly convenient for me to have been born in the exact same generation as the Naruto gang. But that might be a bad thing as well... I'll get to contemplating that information later.

On the topic of half-year birthday celebration.

It's an odd custom to be sure, back on Earth once a year was sufficient. Or is it something you exclusively have when you're a baby here? Weird thoughts aside, I've been doing much much better! My crawling has improved, for one.

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