A War We Don't Belong In - Chapter 5: Respite

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

(Warning Extremely Brutal and Morally Questionable Stuff Will Be Depicted, Hinted at, or Shown. Read at your own discretion. Also Psychological elements, manipulation and other not so family friendly stuff. Really, read at your own discretion.)

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

The afternoon sun cast its gentle glow over the Land of Woods, its descent marking the approach of twilight.

Yet amidst its innocent radiance, the land bore witness to the atrocities and carnage that unfolded, stark against the fading light.

Only making the corpses and chaos all the more vivid.

Nearly a hundred miles away from the now-ravaged fortress town of Yumemori, nearing the border of the country itself - Was an assortment of mountains that were the impromptu border between the Land Of Woods and the fittingly named Land Of Mountains.

Those were only the forewarning of the sights to come.

After one crosses and climbs the heights of the nearly four thousand-foot-tall mountains, effectively entering the territory of the Land Of Mountains.

The onlooker is greeted with even taller mountains, valleys, open plains, caverns, and gaps between said mountains, rivers cut through the landscape and large crevices and gaps in the earth became ponds of considerable size due to the buildup of rainfall.

Furthermore, a temperature change was also warranted - The season of the year as well as the height of the mountains further enhanced the cold as breathing would leave vapors in the wind.

Taking a peek into the far-off distance, one is greeted with snow-covered mountains, their height eclipsing their considerably shorter brethren that compose the landscape.

Decorating the landscape were small towns with architecture that differed heavily from the usual style in the Shinobi-infested lands.

Even calling them towns is generous; settlements would be a more apt term.

The residents appeared to be wearing fitting warm clothing from fur - Supplied by their visible livestock of Yaks.

Speaking of animals - Those with keen eyes could notice Mountain Goats roaming around as they climb steep and flat surfaces without a speck of chakra - Just their natural evolutionary built-in tools. And those with even keener eyes may take notice of the Snow Leopards prowling about.

The sight could be described as simply beautiful.

A pristine sight that one's gaze can find itself lost for hours on end.

A place that seemed untouched by Chakra, warfare, and Shinobi.

Such places exist in the Elemental Nations, albeit rare.

Although unknown to but a few well-informed individuals, it is only ironic that sites like this were created by accident by a cataclysmic force of nature made out of chakra.

It is a shame, then, that Team 7 and Kyokan could not indulge in the fine scenery as they climbed a mountain - Their eyes fixated on a cavern they'd seen.

In comparison to the others they'd noticed - This was the ideal spot.

Chakra coated the feet of Akira and Kakashi as they effortlessly and quickly scaled the mountain, eventually reaching their destination.

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