A War We Don't Belong In - Chapter 3: Reality Of War

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

(Warning Extremely Brutal and Morally Questionable Stuff Will Be Depicted, Hinted at, or Shown. Read at your own discretion. Also Psychological elements, manipulation and other not so family friendly stuff. Really, read at your own discretion.)

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

Before the imposing gate, a multitude of people patiently awaited entry, forming an orderly line that snaked its way toward the Conservative Group's last bastion, Yumemori.

The air hung heavy with a mix of anxiety and hope, the scent of damp earth rising from the recent rain creating a distinct atmosphere.

Each person underwent a meticulous inspection, an unending process that unfolded due to the continuous influx of individuals.

These desperate souls, united in seeking refuge, all yearned for the sanctuary provided by the Conservative Group's final stronghold.

Most had abandoned their homes proactively, anticipating the looming Radical attacks that threatened their lives.

There were also the lucky or perhaps the unlucky few survivors of massacres who had narrowly escaped with their lives - All in hopes of surviving in the stronghold of the Conservatives.

Conducting the thorough check-ups were two distinctive figures.

One, masked in a demonic grin with protruding horns, observed entrants with intense, silent scrutiny through his unnerving mask.

The other, a burly guard with a stern expression, engaged refugees in meaningful conversations, weighing their fate based on his judgment.

"Granted. Keep out of trouble and cooperate with others. The situation is dire," the guard firmly declared to a thankful mother and child duo.

"Thank you, Jiro-san," the tearful mother expressed, bowing alongside her daughter.

The little girl added her thanks, earning a nod from Jiro. "It is my duty. Now, hurry along."

With the line persisting, Jiro sighed audibly, his gaze shifting towards the masked man with a furrowed brow.

"Has Kenzo-sama found a solution to the food shortage? We can't afford to lower the number of able hands we accept as refugees," Jiro inquired, his concern evident.

The masked man, eyes fixed on the crowd, responded, "If necessary, adjustments will be made. Kenzo-sama is deeply engrossed in strategizing against the relentless attacks we've been receiving. The next rescue party is also preparing to set out."

Jiro shook his head, his tone reflecting worry. "That does not give me much confidence... Who knows whether they'll be too late by then? On that front, has your teammate returned from recruiting? Akuma-san?" The creaking of the wooden gate and the distant murmur of the crowd outside emphasized Jiro's concern, accentuating the urgency of the situation.

"No, he's still out attempting to recru-," Akuma started, abruptly halting as a distant sensation seized his attention.

Alert, he focused on the approaching danger.

Jiro's eyes widened at Akuma's sudden shift in demeanor. "Have the Radicals finally moved against Yumemori?" Gripping his spear, he prepared for the worst.

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