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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

Once again, the scent of wood and smoke filled the air as our would-be group of misfits - Team 7, gathered in the Hokage's Office after their intense weeklong training regimen.

The afternoon sun painted the Hokage's Office in warm hues, its rays streaming through the large windows and casting long, stretching shadows that danced across the polished wooden floor.

Team 7's purpose of attendance?

Finally, they're going on their much-promised C - Rank mission.

Handpicked by none other than the Hokage himself.

As Hiruzen handed in the mission parameters to Kakashi, the masked man couldn't help but let loose a pained sigh.

Kakashi's lone eye scanned the parameters, his brow furrowing in concentration.

His nonchalant posture got more tensed up the further he read.

Adding to the tense silence that had formed amongst his allegedly cute Genin who were anticipating this mission with varying degrees of excitement.

-Akira POV-

Why is my Jonin Sensei losing his composure from reading mission parameters?

Why is Lord Hokage's face barely holding back a grin?

Fine questions that will be answered relatively soon.

I could do without the unnecessary suspense though...

Naruto complained with a mixture of cluelessness and excitement, "What's the holdup? Kakashi-sensei?! Where are we going?! To save a princess?! To fight some bad Shinobi?! To-"

Kakashi having finished reading, put an end to Naruto's inquiry as he with a more deadpan tone than he usually has, handing over the mission parameters to me, stated, "We're transporting the scrolls." He pointed at a set of sealed scrolls on the Hokage's table

"NO PRINCESS?!" Naruto yelled in indignation and fell to his knees.

I tried curbing his expectations throughout this week of training, yet his fantasies proved stronger.

It went - "No Naruto," I asserted dramatically, my words accompanied by the rustling of grass from the wind in Training Ground Three.

"We're probably going to be guarding some random guy or eliminating some bandits. Stop diving into your hormone-fueled fantasies of saving a princess, please."

My eyes flickered toward the bright blue sky, where the distant sound of a crow's caw added a touch of reality to my words.

He retorted, "Shut up! Akira-teme! I'll be saving the princess! Not you! Don't be jealous!" with a tone that wavered between determination and fiery rivalry.

The anticipation of the assigned mission proved to only strengthen his delusional fantasies.

"Shut up dobe and huddle over," Sasuke's voice broke me out of my flashback as he snarked at Naruto.

Naruto voiced out weakly as he got up, his expression was as if his soul got sucked out of him, "P-Princess..."

The shuffle of footsteps accompanied Naruto's recovery from the shock of disappointment.

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