Turning Point 3 - Chunin Exams

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.


-Story Start-

-Akira POV-

Taking a sip of my tea, I tilt my head as my voice comes out even yet with a note of confusion, "Don't you think this is a bit sudden?" I gently question, slowly lowering my cup.

Naomi's bowing visage only made me slightly uncomfortable as she asserted with a nod, "It is, but nevertheless, I would appreciate your approval on the matter, Akira-sama."

...Why does she need my approval?

Tapping gently on the table, dismay in my tone as I present my argument, "Look, going out on a rather sudden C - Rank mission doesn't mean you'll automatically cheat on me or something as ridiculous as that, I fail to see why you'd need to ask for my approval. I don't own you. Hell, we're not even married."

At my assertion, a small, yet warm smile formed on Naomi's expression, yet her rigid posture hadn't waned, "Even so, I must ask for your approval." She stubbornly asserted her stance.

"It's not just about the mission, it's about respecting your opinion and our bond." She added, her voice softening lightly.


Although there is truth in her consideration of my opinion and I do appreciate it to some extent... This is a full-blown exaggeration in my opinion.

An exaggeration whose source I have an inkling of.

She's really got to curb that servitude mindset.

Asking for my approval for something as insignificant as this would most certainly be attributed to her parents and or lovely grandfather.

Their influence on her is like a shadow she can't escape, and it is getting mildly infuriating to witness.

Regardless, I met her parents in a more formal setting yesterday, lovely people.

Albeit a bit too reverent for my tastes.

Truly, it paints the generational differences ever so clearly.

...Or maybe I'm reading this wrong.

As for the sudden C - Rank mission, I'm almost certain it's her colorful friend - Aiko's idea.

Escapism and a bit of fresh air aren't a necessarily bad remedy for our situation.

I nod, waving her off, surrendering to her effort, "If you're so stubborn to get my approval, then you have it. Just make sure you're extra careful with the Mission."

Lifting her upper body from her bowing position, she flashes me a grateful smile, a hint of mischief in her tone, "Thank you, Akira-sama. I assure you that I am not nearly as unlucky as you are in mission assignments."

Snorting, I reply, "Leaving tomorrow right? I'll make sure to keep the house intact."

At my subtle threat, Naomi's gaze hardens, "I will request Yoshino-sama to keep an eye on you."


Noticing my frown, she smiles goodnaturedly, "Don't worry, I'm going out on this mission to help Aiko get her Mission Points up, and it's in Fire Country, I'll be back before the tournament of the Chunin Exams."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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