Team 7

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Akira POV-

Truth be told, as my new teammates and I waited in the room for our punctual Sensei, time seemed to stretch well beyond an hour. The clock on the wall ticking away each minute, making the wait feel even longer.

Sasuke was trying his best to practice patience as he sat with closed eyes and, an ever-present gloomy expression.

Naruto, barely containing his impatience, tapped the wooden table, on the verge of unleashing a thousand shadow clones to search for our elusive sensei.

Only to realize he has no idea what he looks like.

The tapping sounds were rather irritating, I'll admit.

But I still didn't get it.

What didn't I still get?

Why did I, who was logically supposed to get a private Jonin tutor, end up in a team instead?

The one who got the anticipated Jonin tutor was Haruno Sakura - Being taught under Mitarashi Anko.

Though, I'm pretty sure this is the better alternative than being taught under that publicly known Sadist lady.

...She is pretty hot thou - Woah, been a while since I've had these kinds of thoughts.

Interesting, my pure thoughts have begun to be corrupted by the wonders of puberty once again!


Look, I'm not complaining, and I am glad Sakura's academic talents which are often overshadowed by her fangirlish behavior were noticed, Top Kunoichi surpassing Hinata and Ino and all that, but I fail to see the logic in this arrangement.

My team's arrangement specifically.

It's far from being a balanced team, and that's a concern.

And this probably broke any and all known traditions of - the Top Rookie, Dead Last, and Top Kunoichi shtick.

I do have my suspicions though.

To not further isolate me, I have been placed with a team - To learn teamwork and value friendships and whatnot.

Which is still mighty strange - I believe I am way passed that point, i do have friends and people I care about in the Village, after all.

Another possibility - This Team has a clear purpose.

Pragmatically speaking, placing the Strongest Genin in Konoha with The Last Uchiha who is basically the 2nd strongest along with the Warden of the Nine Tails.

Under the mentorship of Hatake Kakashi, the Jonin closest in Konoha to achieving S-Rank status.

Barring of course the Hokage and Sannin who are already S-Rank.

To put it mildly, this team's a powerhouse.

Whichever the case it may be, this was most certainly something cooked up by the Village Rule in tandem with my dearest Clan Elders.

Makoto, that slimy bastard, assured me that I'd likely get a private Jonin Sensei, and I did believe him given the evidence, otherwise, I wouldn't believe him since he's clearly an asshat.

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