The Bell Test

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Akira POV-

Tension hung in the air as we all got on guard, and Naruto, ready to pounce at Kakashi, felt my grip on his shoulder. "Don't run at him just yet - Wait for him to yell start. From there, we'll attack him the three of us at once."

Sasuke shot me a look, "Wouldn't splitting up and hiding be the correct choice here?"

I shook my head, "I could probably hide from him thanks to my Kekkei Genkai, but there's no way you guys could. He's an Elite Jonin. Sneak attacks won't work when he expects them, and splitting up would be counterproductive. We have to fight him directly... The Naruto Method."

Silent Step would be too risky against someone as skilled as Kakashi, misreading and getting caught in a trap means a waste of time or a game over for me.

Naruto grinned in agreement, "I like the sound of that!"

Kakashi gave us an amused look, patiently letting us communicate our plans. "You know I can hear you right?"

I gestured for him to start, "Start it already - I just had to get this out of the way so you don't tear us apart from the get-go."

"Start!" Kakashi yelled out.

Sasuke activated his one Tomoe Sharingan as he stood beside me, while Naruto launched towards Kakashi with a roar, taking out a kunai from his pouch.

Without losing a second, both Sasuke and I joined Naruto as we tried to engage Kakashi in Taijutsu.

"Hmm, Lesson 1 Taijutsu." Kakashi hummed as he observed my fast approach.

I reached him first, throwing a kick at his head that he grabbed immediately. I followed up with another kick, which he grabbed with his other hand, holding me mid-air.

"Let him go!" Naruto yelled as he reached Kakashi, attempting to slice at Kakashi's hands.

Seeing the easy solution, Kakashi attempted to ruthlessly block the slice with my body.

Quick thinking, with my hands free, I quickly formed the Shadowgraphic handsign for Toad, "Toad!"

A dip in my Chakra, stronger than usual, took place as I overloaded the summoning to get the stronger Level 2 Jeff.

Willing for him to appear just below us, his car-sized form separated Kakashi and me, sending me flying towards Naruto, who grabbed my body and let me down.

Kakashi observed the Car-Sized Jeff curiously, "The rumored Eight Shadows... Have to say, not really impres-" He casually taunted, only to be interrupted by Sasuke.

Seeing the opportunity as Naruto and I recovered, Sasuke launched at Kakashi for a one-on-one Taijutsu duel.

Damn, we really gotta work on our teamwork here, Naruto almost committed friendly fire.

'Support Sasuke,' I commanded Jeff as I formed my plan.

"Naruto, go help him. I've got a plan." I barked out.


Swift kicks and punches were blocked by Kakashi, who was simultaneously weaving from Jeff's tongue strikes at the gaps in his defenses. He proceeded to gut-punch Sasuke, causing him to sputter and be sent flying - Jeff's tongue grabbed him before he could crash into a tree.

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