A Massacre Followed By Another

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.


-Story Start-

-Evening Time-

-11 Months Following The Entrance Ceremony At The Academy-

-Third Person POV-

A familiar office, with 2 individuals making themselves comfortable as they both sip on some Green Tea.

The first is an old man easily recognized throughout the Village and especially renowned among the Nara. He is Nara Eiichi. The individual fitting his age and expertise sits comfortably, radiating wisdom and sheer confidence. Even while doing something as mundane as sipping on tea.

The second, individual, sitting in front of Eiichi is the exact opposite. A young 7-year-old boy. His spiky brown almost black hair stands out in his visage. The boy wears a calm and relaxed expression as he sips his tea in tranquility an expectant glance thrown towards his elder every now and then.

The boy is of course our protagonist Nara Akira.

However, as expected, the tranquil expression of the boy is clearly a facade.

For obvious reasons...

-Akira POV-

Can you really blame me for being apprehensive about going on a rematch with those murder rabbits?

At first, when I summoned them I suspected they might resemble those murder Rabbits from ReZero.

But you know, suspicion is just that, suspicion. Nothing concrete!


Do I HAVE to mention how painful a rabbit bite is?

Those Bugs Bunny buckteeth ain't fooling around.

And it would've been much simpler were they just regular rabbits. But according to Eiichi who observed my first attempt from afar, they were pretty enhanced in their capabilities. Especially in the speed department.

Rabbit Escape my ass! More like Rabbit Assault!


Knowing how Eiichi my lovely sensei runs things around here, I can't really refuse attempting to exorcise these guys once again.

But as I've learned so far, there really isn't much to be afraid of besides the getting hurt part, Eiichi is overlooking the entire process in case it becomes iffy and I can still resort to using my... Morally questionable equipment that would most likely be categorized as War Crime level weaponry back on Earth.

All is fair in love and Rabbit murder though!

Don't call PETA.

Anyway, If I have to fight a murderous army of Rabbits might as well do it with style, no? Last time was more of a brute force tactic anyway and that sure as hell didn't work out...

It seems a more delicate and intricate approach is needed for an easy victory.

So, in the name of avoiding that agonizing, trauma-inducing rabbit bite, I've devised a plan to defeat and tame these rabbits, or at least I hope it works. The exact mechanics of how they get tamed by dying at my hand are quite vague, but my new plan hinges on its flexibility.

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