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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

Deep in the dense and deep forests characteristic of the Western Land Of Demons.

Under the light of the moon, by the riverside, Team 7 set up camp.

Their moods and expressions were grave thanks to their pyrrhic victory just earlier that same day.

On their travels, it wouldn't be an exaggeration that amid the sullen silence naught but a few sentences were exchanged, and even then they were purely business.

This is completely contrary to the usual dynamic characteristic of this tightly bonded yet young Shinobi Team from the Leaf.

Perhaps, this was thanks to the lack of their usual sunny and energetic teammate.

Having been unconscious for a good few hours.

However, a couple of minutes after setting up their camp.

The cheery blonde stirred awake.

Upon discovering where they were at, and the swift summarization of the events by his Nara Teammate.

He was confused, conflicted, bewildered, and most importantly... Angry.

-Akira POV-

"To start, I'll repeat it. To make myself clear." Kakashi's eyes narrowed at the newly awakened figure of Naruto that stood before him, his grip tight on Kakashi's shirt as he snarled.

Kakashi's voice came out steely, laced with threat, "You will not be heading back to the Land Of Woods. This is an order. Attempt that, and I'll make sure you sleep through our travel back to the village."

I met eyes with Sasuke, confirming that we were on the same page about keeping our silence and letting Kakashi handle this.

At Naruto's gritting teeth, Kakashi added with a tilted head, "Mah, Naruto. I'm sure you understand, there would be no point if you went back."

Tightening his grip on Kakashi's shirt, Naruto let out a contrastingly weak voice, "We... We could help them get back on their feet! I-I can make thousands of myself! Help them bui-"

"You're deluding yourself. You heard them just as well as I did. We're less than welcome." Kakashi shook his head helplessly, his tone a degree softer.

I shook my head tiredly.

This was rough to watch.

Naruto's voice grew weaker, "I-I could've convinced the-"

Kakashi interrupted with a patient tone, "Could've... Should've... A lot of maybes, Naruto. In this world, the worst variable is a "Maybe". Especially when you are a Shinobi aiming to be Hokage. Some efforts, truly are pointless. Trust me, I know from experience."

A sullen silent moment passed and then...

Naruto's grip on Kakashi's shirt loosened, he lifted his gaze, a weak glare present yet his voice regained a hint of strength, as he started, "I... Don't care."


Sasuke and I raised an eyebrow at what he was insinuating.

Naruto continued, his strength and resolve growing rapidly with each word, his fists balled as they began to draw blood, and his frustration decorated his resolve like a stain, "I would've gone back. Right now even. I don't care what those dumb bastards think. And what brainwashing trick that Satsujin bastard did to them! I would've beaten him to a pulp for what he did! And saved the cluele-"

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