Interlude - Recollections Of Yumemori

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

(This is my darkest chapter yet - Really dark stuff this time I mean it. Warning Extremely Brutal and Morally Questionable Stuff Will Be Depicted, Hinted at, or Shown. Read at your own discretion. Also Psychological elements, manipulation and other not so family friendly stuff. Really, read at your own discretion.)

(I call this an interlude but this is basically Chapter 4.5 - Also there has been a very slight adjustment to the events written in Chapter 4. I've changed that chapter accordingly (The result of Sasuke's fight vs the Chunin) The change was made because I want to showcase something Kakashi will be doing in the inevitable revenge. But to give a simple rundown of what happened before I changed my mind - Sasuke struggled too much against the Chunin and Kakashi came in and killed the Chunin after dealing with the Prajna. The focus of "Round 1" is Solo Combat, the revenge will be Teamwork centered.)

(Also, next chapter tomorrow at the earliest. In 2 days at the lastest.)

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

The fortress town of Yumemori was currently undergoing a brutal assault.

A nearly one-sided slaughter that was barely held back by the meager forces of the Conservatives who were dropping like flies and the Konoha Shinobi who had their hands full.

Currently, Nara Akira is oblivious to the surrounding world, focusing solely on his superior opponent.

Typically, such ignorance of one's surroundings constitutes a significant weakness.

One, that Akira had no choice but to deal with; as any shift in focus would spell his doom.

But, to his teammates.

Especially to Uzumaki Naruto.

Akira's state of ignorance would be something he greatly envied.

Ignorance is bliss, after all.





Buildings crumbled under relentless assault, explosions echoing through the air. Poisonous gas billowed, adding to the mayhem, while cries of anguish formed a cruel symphony amidst the destruction.

Amidst this turmoil, none felt the impact more deeply than Uzumaki Naruto, who found himself at the heart of the conflict.

And soon...

None would bear witness to the devastation as vividly as Uzumaki Naruto.

His eyes, were slit and colored crimson in his fury.

His teeth elongated and sharper than ever, and his nails had received much the same treatment.

His facial expression was downright feral, contorted by rage and desperation.

Despite being covered in cuts and torn clothes, his injuries showed signs of healing, thanks to the ominous red chakra radiating from his body.

This chakra, heavy and foreboding, intensified with each anguished cry and silent scream of misery, fueling Naruto's relentless pursuit of the enemy Shinobi.

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