Unseen Growth, Unveiled Might

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Night Time-

-Third Person POV-

In the Hidden Leaf Village on a chilly spring night, the full moon cast a soft light through an office's windows.

Two elderly men, Shimura Danzo and Nara Eiichi, sat across from each other, sipping tea at a low table.

The room was quiet, except for distant cricket sounds.

The moon shone on, indifferent to the discussion at hand, one that may or may not be of irrevocable change to the future of the Village as a whole.

The reason is elementary—these elders are of great influence. Their decisions climate changing in the village as a whole.

Even when one of them was significantly weakened politically and stripped of his status as a Council Member.

Narrowing his single eye at Eiichi, Danzo ordered, "Report."

Eiichi nodded mechanically, "The mission went well. Akira managed to eliminate the bandits."

Shaking his head, Danzo elaborated, "What of his performance?"

"To start, the boy's information gathering is praiseworthy, and his decision-making is also of sound mind. However, the boy was too rash, impatient, and overconfident. He underestimated the cunning of the bandits and judged his lacking information sufficient to estimate their home base. This was his folly. Days were wasted scouring the alleged locations of the base only to come out empty. It was in the next town we visited to gather information that Akira decided to rely on brute force and a subtle, extremely weak piece of evidence to find the Bandits. To his fortune, that was enough to find the bandits under the time constraint."

Danzo, curiosity peaked, added, "Relying on brute force and a weak piece of evidence would be the correct course of action for one who is under time constraints. Information gathering might have taken much too long... However, do indulge me. By brute force, you mean he used his Owl Summon and/or the Wolf Summons?"

Eiichi nodded, "Yes, during the daytime when the sun was up, he scoured the forests with his wolves, and during the nighttime when his Owl wasn't so eye-catching, he scoured with it. That proved enough as eventually, the Wolves found the bandits by detecting their Chakra."

With a pleased expression, Danzo couldn't help but comment, "Such a novel Kekkei Genkai. The equivalent of an Inuzuka and Hyuga from the Wolves alone has so much potential... Has the boy managed to tame any of the other Creatures from his "Eight Shadows"?"

Eiichi shook his head, "Not yet. I believe there is no reason to pressure the boy. He'll eventually tame another soon, as he has grown a semblance of confidence and discarded a majority of his cowardice. As such, there is no need for concern in that regard, Danzo-sama. It'll happen one way or another."

Danzo took the comment at face value as he nodded silently and gestured to Eiichi to continue his report.

What proceeded was a lengthy and detailed explanation of Akira's preparations, battle tactics, usage of his Silent Step, his blunder, and the subsequent brutality he had to resort to.

Taking a sip of the tea Eiichi prepared for him, Danzo hummed neutrally, "I see... The boy has performed more than adequately, though extremely naive and inexperienced." With mirth, Danzo gave a weak chuckle, "Though all those can be solved with sufficient conditioning and training. It's always the pacifists and naive that turn out to be the most efficient ninja. That boy, a prime example." Danzo uttered the last part with a hint of frustration.

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