Turning Point 2 - Genin

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

(Firstly, I'd like to respectfully apologize, for the delay. I had reignited my Manhwa Addiction and I just couldn't stop so here we are. ANYWHO ENJOY! HOPEFULLY!)

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

In the quiet expanse of a meeting room, leaders from Konoha's major clans gathered. The air held a weight of contemplation, thickening as the Hokage and Nara Shikaku revealed a significant revelation to conclude their meeting.

Despite the gravity of the disclosure, the Clan Heads displayed no overt surprise. Even those without children in Akira's Classroom, the wielder of the newfound Kekkei Genkai, maintained a composed demeanor.

Breaking the contemplative silence with a stoic nod, Hyuga Hiashi acknowledged the official announcement, "I had heard that much from my daughter."

Various nods echoed in agreement, the majority directing their curious gazes at Shikaku, who stood alongside the Hokage.

Interrupting the silent exchange, Hiruzen cleared his throat and drew attention back to himself, "If you have any questions regarding the "Eight Shadows", feel free to address them privately with Shikaku. This has been a formality, and let me make this abundantly clear..." His expression turned resolute, "After the Nine-Tails Attack, we were at a record low as a whole, only to be further diminished by the massacre of one of our most powerful and noble clans."

Surveying each Clan Head seated around the table, Hiruzen released his chakra, emphasizing his authority. "I implore you to set aside your grievances regarding the rise of the Nara clan. Consider the new Kekkei Genkai as a blessing for the village in these challenging times, and consequently, a blessing for yourselves. We must be strong and united. Remember why we stand united. Remember the Will Of Fire." Hiruzen's tone softened toward the end, accompanied by a glance toward a smiling Shikaku, who nodded appreciatively.

A collective, "Yes, Lord Hokage!" filled the room, even from the tardy Hatake Clan Head, who was inconsiderately reading a questionable book in the middle of the meeting.

Acknowledgment for the Village Leader, acknowledgment of their unity as members of the Leaf, and confirmation that the Will Of Fire was still burning brightly among the Clan Leaders brought a smile to Hirzuen's face.

A small proud thought echoed in his mind, 'And Danzo says I've gone soft.'

Following the display of unity and loyalty, Hiashi, with a neutral expression, stated his observations, reassuring those who felt uneasy about the Nara's increasing power, "Regardless of the Kekkei Genkai, the position of mightiest Clan in the Leaf won't be taken from the Hyuga."

An amused snort escaped Choza, earning a rightful glare from Hiashi, "Did I mention anything amusing, Akimichi?"

"Have you gone deaf, Hyuga? Of course, you did! What? Have you over-relied on your eyes so much that you cannot hear properly? HAHAHAHAHA!" Inoichi responded in Choza's name as he burst into laughter.

A sigh escaped Hiruzen as he mumbled with a shake of his head, "Like bickering children... Every time."

As the warm atmosphere settled and the formality concluded, as opportunistic as ever, the Hatake Clan Head swiftly rose to make his exit.

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