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could you I was just standing here and you do that we are so done" and I walk away and a tear runs down my cheek as Emma getting up he yells out " well I don't need a boring book girl and was just using you as points for me" and I run away and Emma try's too catch me but she cant and then I go and lock myself into a room and she knocks and says "please let me in please Sophia" and I do and I hug her and I say "I should've listened I'm sorry" and she says no it okay I'm not disappointed and she hugs me tighter and I walk out and I say how bad is my makeup and she says not bad so then I walk too the drink table and pour a shot and I take 2 before I say yuck and Emma and me sit on the couch and look and says "I'm sorry that this had too happen" and she rests her head on my shoulder and then I see Liam walk in and he takes some shots and walks into the living room and as we were getting up and Oliver walks up too Emma and puts his arm around her and I walk away as Liam notices me and I walk away and he says "don't walk away from me" and I say "why shouldn't I" and he grabs a hold of my arm and he says "you're always bratty and you ruin all the fun all the time I don't even know on why I got in a relationship with you" and I say "I'm thinking the same thing right now" and he scoffs as he tightens his grip and I say "oww Liam your hurting me" and he pushes me too the wall and kisses me but I don't kiss back and he tastes like alcohol and I look around as a Big Brute of a man comes up and pushes him off of me and punches him as I fall too the ground against the wall and Liam says as he holding his cheek and says "who do you think you are we are just having fun" and his deep husky voice says too Liam "oh you think hurting a woman is fun" he scoffs and he looks at me as I'm crying blurry vision and shaking because I'm scared and then Liam says "she's no woman she's a brat and a brat deserves this" and then he comes towards him and he punches him enough too make him fall too the floor and Liam groans and the man says "are you done now" and shakes off his fist and he turns too me and holds out his arm too me too help me up too my feet and I get there but then Liam gets up and then Oliver and Emma comes running over and says "what happened" and Oliver yells at Liam and tells him too get the f*ck out of here" and Liam scoffs and leaves and Emma runs up too me and hugs me and I hug her back and she looks me up and down and see's my wrists as they are red and going to be bruised and she says "I'm sorry I wasn't here" and I shake me head as she wipes my tears away and Oliver walks over too me and says "are you okay "and I say yeah in a shaky tone and Emma says Oliver just go please I'll see you later and he leaves too his party and I see the man is still standing where he was as I noticed him staring at me before Liam walked up too me and I push Emma too the side and I look around too see if the man is there so I could thank him and she says what are you looking for and I say the guy that beat up Liam and she says ohh and she grabs my head and sees if I hit it a little hard and then I notice that this guy that is standing in the same spot is the only man in this room and he just glanced at me as I'm looking and I walk up too him and tell Emma too stay there and she does and just watches and I walk up too him a she looks like a big brute man as I get closer and he says Hello and I say hi and he says how can I help you sweetheart and look at his hand and see it does not look like he threw a punch and does not sound like the other man did and he looks at me and I ask him if he seen everything that just happened and he nodded and ask him "where did the guy go that was here and what happened too him" and he says he was bleeding so he went too bathroom and he left when you're friends showed up and I walk away and I say thank you and drag Emma with me and she says where are we now going and I say where the man I think is and she chuckles and says your crazy and we go and we see a man walking down the stairs with a towel wrapped around his hand and he looks up at me and I tell Emma get Oliver and she does and he says you found me and I nod and I ask why did you leave and he says I didn't want too bleed on you or the floor as we walked too the kitchen table and I tell him too sit and he does so and Oliver walks over with the First Aid Kit and he bandages it up and the man that I don't know his name yet shakes his hand and says thanks bro and he say yeah no problem and Oliver and Emma leave but before she told me not too get into anymore trouble and I smile and he looks at me and says you have a beautiful smile and I say thank you and he says so why did you help me and I said well that's the least I could do since you saved my butt and I thank you and I wanted too thank you so that's why I tried too find since you left

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