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Well I'm here at the testing station and I sat at my assigned seating that they have for us and I sat down and looked around and seen Milo which I was glad and he was looking down and then the Teacher walked in and said "okay class were here until the bell rings for lunch and then you guys go and then come back for 5thalso so you can get a break" and she handed out the tests too each and one of us and when she got done she walked up to the front and watched the clock and she said "START" and we started and answered as much as we could and then the bell rung and we all left to eat and it was a rush of a lot of people coming into the lunch room but I stayed to myself and was like the last to leave and I walked in and seen Sophia sitting with Oliver and Emma and I went too set down and as I walked up  Emma said "oh hi Benny boo" and I just was as confused as Sophia was when that came out of her mouth and I said hi Emma and I sat down and Sophia got me something to eat and I scarfed it down because I was hungry and I looked at her like wow and I thanked her and kissed her and then the bell rang so all the Seniors groaned and we all got up and went back to the test and I said bye and went on my way and I went in the gym as that's where it was being taken and I sat down and finished it as most of them did and I noticed some people were struggling and then I bring it up to the front and then as the bell rung we all that finished it got up and we got the grade and I got a 86% and all the ones that are still working on the test will get a couple of extra minutes to finish it and as I was walking out the door Milo stopped me and said "hey wait" and I looked at him in disgust and I said "what part of leaving me alone is this" and he stutters and says "well I thought to tell you I got a 96% on the test and I thought you would care but I guess not" and it got quiet as I didn't want too celebrate for him because of last night but I was happy that he did try because we did work are butts off on studying for this so we could graduate or even get a scholarship and he then continued and said "oh yeah dad want all your stuff out by next week" and I went back to me being mad that he's even thinking were buddies right now and he looked over my shoulder and then said "forget about it" and he walked away and I thought that's weird and I turned around to see Sophia standing by the corner and she walked up and said "are you ready" and I stayed quiet but I just nodded and then she asked if my test went good and i said "I got a 86%" and I shook my head as I was thinking how did I get a lower number than my brother but its probably because of all the stuff on my mind.

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