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and he looks and he says yeah no one deserves too be treated like that at all and I smile and he says so who was that and I look down and tell him he's my ex-boyfriend of just tonight and he says well good he's an asshole and I smile and he holds out his hands and I hold out my arms and he grabs them softly with his big hands and stares at the formed hand prints around my wrist and he kisses them and says that might be better and I say no man should kiss my wrist if I don't even know his name and he chuckles and he says oh yah I'm Benjamin and you are beautiful and you don't need too introduce yourself because I already know you and I say "how?" and he says you're Boring Book Girl right" and I get up and I say I knew this was too good too be true of course you know me as that that's all people know me as" and he stops me and he says "please don't go I didn't mean it that way I'm sorry" as he looks down and continues but I've always noticed you Sophia as a beautiful confident and don't let anything bother you Woman and I've notice you with your boyfriend and I've always wanted too beat him up anytime I seen him do something too you that I didn't like but I knew I couldn't do that too you so I waited for a good advantage too find too beat the f*ck out of him and I laugh and he says I've always noticed you because you're different but a good different and I smile and he holds my hand and I say umm okay I don't know what too say too those words lol but then I get interrupted by a phone call and I take out my phone and it says Mom so I leave as he watches me walk away and I say Hello mom and she says Hi where are you and I say I wrote a note and it on the fridge and she says oh It fell and she says okay be safe love and I said okay mom love you and I hang up and I look around and see Emma and Oliver in the pool and laugh as she waves at me and I see that Benjamin is still sitting there but with his head in his hands and I sit back in the chair and he looks up and smiles and say you are a sight for sore eyes and I'm glad you're sitting next too me since I know you're safe and I yawn since I'm tired and notices and he says do you want too go home I haven't been drinking and I can bring you since I see your friend has been drinking and I nod but I tell him wait here I'm going to say bye too them and I walk out and she looks at me and I say I'm going to go and she says okay wait I'll bring you home just let me get out of this pool as she pushes Oliver under the water and I say no its fine that dude is going too bring me home since he hasn't been drinking and plus you been drinking also so it probably smart that you stay here and then you can have fun so ill talk too you tomorrow bye and then I walk into the house and see him and he looks up and I say are you ready too get going and he stands up and he grabs my hand and we walk out and he then stops and then I stop too so I look at him and he pick me up and carries me too his car and I say "why did you do that" and I ask "what did you think I didn't think you were manly enough so you had too show me" and he says " no I just parked far away so I didn't want you have too walk in heels" and I laughed as he sat me down on my feet next too his Black car and he opens the door for me and let me in and he closes the door while I'm in and as he in the driver side I ask "how do you know where I live" and he chuckles and hands me his phone that's opened too Maps and he says "just put in the address "as he chuckles and I face palm and put in my address and it says what it says and he drives there and he stops in front of my house and he's holding my hand and he looks at my wrists and rubs his thumb across them and I wince and he kissed them and then he gets out of the car too my side and he opens my door and I get out and he closes the door and I smile and look at him and hug him and he hugs back and I stand back and smile and whisper "Thank You" and he walks me too my door while holding my hand and I say "please don't go" and I open the door and he follows me but he stops me and says do you have an Ice Pak and I nod and we walk too the fridge and I pull out the Ice Pak out of the freezer and he grabs it and I smile and then my mom shows up in the kitchen and says "what happened" in French and I say "Momma I'm okay he's here too take care of me and my Ex did this he was drunk but Ben took care of him. I say in French says my mom talks French when new guest are here so they don't know what were talking about so I have known French all my life pretty much because of my mom but my mom nods and we leave and he follows me to my bedroom and he says you can speak French and I nod as I grab a towel too wrap around the Ice Pak and we sit on my bed and he sits back on my bed with the wrapped Ice Pak in his hands as I sit in his arms and he then sets it on my arms and I wince but he says "I'm sorry but this helps with the bruising process" and I look at him and he looks at me and I kiss him and he kisses me back and then I stop and tell I'm sorry we shouldn't do this since I just made a whole mess of my life at that party as I sit on the edge of the bed and he comes too sit next too me and I get up and he catches my hand and he pulls me back too him while he holds my hands and he says "don't be sorry" and then he kisses me again and then pulls me on his lap and we keep kissing and kissing but then he stops and I get off.

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