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When it stops I walk back and Sophia notices and she smiles and I just face down and we get thru this class and then we part ways and then I have next class then lunch and of course this class I have it with Liam and I fucking despise him and all that but he still bruised from me so he don't say much right now and I get thru this class and then we all have lunch so I go get food and I just grab an apple since im not too hungry and the lunch lady for Money has Milo stopped and she stops me and tells me you have no money on the account and haven't had any for 2 months now so you cant afford the lunch and Milo says well I already grabbed food and I shake my head and think Wow that don't surprise me to see that our dad hasn't done that and she says if you don't put that food back I will have too have you guys both go too the principals office if your going too hold up the line and make problems and I ask how much and I hand her all the cash I have just for Milo to eat and I put the apple back and she smile and we go and Milo stops me and says you didn't get any and I say I don't need anything im fine and he smiles and says "I don't know why you get treated so bad and I get the benefit of the doubt I feel so bad I feel like it's my fault" and I smile and I hug him and say "yeah I know and it isn't your fault either its dad" and we hug it out but then I hear a chant going on and it saying "Boring Book Girl" over and over again as she walks in and I notice her and she hides next to Emma who is next too Oliver and they go into line and I notice and Milo says "so what's up with her since you beat up Liam for her" and I say idk she is just someone that I like and then I ask why he not sitting with them and he says because im worried about you and I tell him too go and he goes and Sophia notices me and she comes over with Emma and Oliver and they all sit down and she notices I don't have anything too eat so she shares with me and I smile and I eat it and then the bell rings and we all go too class until the final class and I leave and try too call Milo and he don't answer so I try too find him and I find him and tell him we have to go and he looks at me and the friend group looks at me and laughs and asks if I feel like im a big man for beating up Liam over a Boring Book Girl and I form fists and Milo grabs me and we leave and he says "don't listen too him and get in  more trouble" and we go and show up at our house and we get home and just go to are rooms and as I get home Sophia texts me and say "are you okay" and I answerback "yes I made it home safely".

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