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When he told me he was a senior I was shocked because I guess he just popped up into my life so I didn't know that but that means that he would be the same age as my brother and I went toall are classes that we have together and then at 3rd period we go to theseparate classes that we have and I walk in and see Milo and he looks at me andI ignore and sit down at my desk and he looks downs and fidgets but I'm notgetting involved because I don't want him to be mad to take sides so idk I'mtaking Ben's and as this class is done I go to 4th and walk in and see thatbarely anyone is there and the Teacher tells us were having quiet time to doanything as the Seniors are taking there test and I sit and wave to Emma andshe smiles and waves and she brings out her phone and she texts me and I lookand we texted back and forth and then the bell rung and me and Emma ran to eachother and we walked to Lunch and Oliver ran up too Emma and when we walked init was weird all the Seniors weren't here so we got dibs on all the stuff andit was just weird because it was actually quiet but when we got food I gotsomething extra for Ben but we sat at are normal seats and then all of a suddenwe heard a rush of Seniors rush into the Lunch room and I just waited for Ben and I see him and helooked up and he came and walked to us and Emma says "oh hi Benny boo" and Igive her a dirty look and she goes back to eating and he sits down next to me andhe hold my hand and I put the food in front of him and he looks at me and Itell him its for him and he eat its and he whispers thank you and kisses me andI smiled and then the bell rang and that rush of Seniors died as they heardthat bell and then we said are goodbyes and he leaves and as were getting uptoo go to class Emma asks if were official and I shrug and just tell her thathe's having a hard time so we will just see what happens and she smiles and wewalk to class and we go in and as that class is done I wait for the test to bedone and waited for him and then as me walking back I hear arguing which soundslike Ben and Milo and I over hear and it says "what part of leaving me alone isthis" and the other person says "well I just came to say I got a 96% andthought you would care" and then he continues "dad wants everything out and thecar by next week so just thought to let you know but I guess you don't careenough to" and it gets quiet and then I walked around the corner and Milo seenme and he said "forget it" and he walked away and Ben turned around to me andhe looked mad and sad at the same time and he faced me and spoke up and asked"are you ready" and he nodded and I then asked if his test went good and hesaid he got a 86% and he shook his head and we walked to his locker and then aswe were walking past the office of the principal's he stopped Ben and calledhim in and he looked up and I said I'll be here when you get out and I let goof his hand and he went in.

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