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So I woke up next too the pool with Oliver and I wake up too him brushing my head and admiring me while I sleep and when I wake up and open my eyes he says "no go back to sleep" and I sit up and as he sit up too I push him off and tell him "shut up" and we laugh but then I groan and feel like I have a hangover which I do so I get up too get us both a water from the fridge and I get it and chug it and bring out the other one too him and he admires me and he says too me "how did I get so lucky" and I smile and tell him "well you don't have me yet were not official" but well Oliver and me started talking this May and he supposedly got my number from one of his friends and he got that number before May but was just too scared too text me and well when he did finally text me I was hanging out over at Sophia's and we just finished dinner with her mom and he texted me "hi Emma" and I say who is this and he tells me and then sends a picture of him and I smile and Sophia asks why am I smiling and I pull up a cute dog video and tell her that I watching it and it's so cute and she smiles okay and she turns around too finish cleaning up and I don't know why I didn't tell her but she was having such a hard time with the bullying that I was pretty much hanging out with her pretty much every day and I would sleepover and her mom and my mom didn't care too much because we have been friends since 3rd grade but when the bullying died down too the point that we didn't have too worry I started going over too Oliver's and it was so much fun but I knew he always like me because ever since 5thgrade he would always tell Sophia too tell her and at that point she wouldn't listen and ignore him as she was reading a book and but she was and told me and I said okay so I always never did anything until now and I glad we waited because we grew up and he's the best but in 8th grade the bullying started after someone was talking too her and she ignored him as she usually does and he got pissed and he took the book and shredded it into pieces and called her "boring book girl" and supposedly Oliver seen that but didn't know it was Sophia and then Liam walks up too her too help her but he knew he was the one that started the rumor and it got worse of course with he was just using her for points for the rumor but they didn't make official till the beginning of 9th - 10th grade and he and her would hang out and talk as she thought the bullying was getting but its just because he made all the "rumors" stop but he truthfully didn't he just blocked her from all of it pretty much and when Oliver told me about everything that happened I was shocked and I didn't tell her but then I started too tell her that he's bad and you need to dump him and she never did until tonight but she knew in the back of her head that if she does the bullying might start again and I know she is scared of it happening as she thinks as him the one that saved her from the nightmare but he wasn't but I know she was scared and at this party she was bold too him and I'm just glad she dumped him last night  and were done with his bull shit and well when I seen her with Benjamin last night I was glad because he was the actual one too stop the bullying but I'm scared for her so I called her and she told me on how sweet he was too her and all that and I was glad until I seen this morning posts about her and the comments and that and I was so pissed and I shown Oliver and he say "omg do you think its going to get bad again" and I shrugged and said " I hope not" and he hugged me.

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