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Well she texted me after calling me a whole bunch a times as I ignored them as it was heart wrenching to know she gave him a second chance and told me I lost my spot and chance so I just am giving her distance as I just don't want it to turn like last summer but she texted me "im sorry Liam please talk to me I need you please talk to me" and I read it but I second guessed myself and I ignored it and then this unknown number is calling and I answer and I say "hello" and she says "Hey Liam you better answer my best friends texts she needs you much as ever she is frantic and I cant be there because im on vacation with Oli so please go find her please for you and her and me" and it's Emma and I get up and I call her and she answers "hey" as she sounds out of breath as she is having a panic attack and I ask "on where she is" and she says "at- h-om-e" as she getting more and more out of breath so I drive fast until I get to her place and I see her as I feel so bad that I was going to ignore her in this state as I promised that I would be her thru everything and I hug her as she has a panic attack and she calms down but not enough for her heart to stop beating so I pick her up and carry her to the car and bring her to the hospital and they admit her to a room where they have a oxygen mask over her and they tell me to wait in the waiting room until they give me the clear and I do that and it feel forever of me not being able to know she okay or to see her but I give Emma updates as she is worried and then I get called back and I walk in and she looks at me and smiles and she has a oxygen tube around her face that go up her nose but I walk in and say "im sorry I forgot your bear and flowers this time" and she smiled and said "its okay im just glad you're here" and I ask "what happened that set it off this time" and as I suspected it was Ben's fault but when she told me she knows on what he did and he told her that he's going to "college" but he really isn't but just running away so yeah which is good because he told her not chase after him and im glad but she not very happy that this was happening under her nose and she then asked "if I knew because some how Emma knew but im wondering if you do" and I nodded as I was the one that told Emma about it after I found out what he done as I don't know how she got my number that time either but I know she knows how to get her way and if she doesn't it ain't good for that dude from what I heard and I still don't know how she got my number this time as I changed it but yah but I told Sophia I knew yes and I was the one too tell Emma when I knew so she could protect you and this was after you told me not to press charges on him because I was why and I did some digging and found that and two and two came together on why he didn't want me too and why he had a hard time and then Milo got the benefit of the doubt but yeah I explained and she just patted my shoulder and said "its okay Liam im not mad at you im mad at him like I shouldn't of gotten back with him anyways and I don't know why I did" and she then said "well I knew I had second thoughts of him but didn't know why" and she says "its because I love you Liam" and as she get admitted out of the hospital I kissed and hugged her on her very 2 feet as I couldn't do it because of the doctors permitted because of her lungs are weak and that so I did that and was so happy to hear those words as she told me "I Love You Liam Kyler forever" and it just felt so good too hear those word come out her mouth.

              FOR NOW...

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