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I opened the front door and went out then closed it.

It is a bit freezing outside. Good thing it's just light snow falling from the sky. While walking, I noticed that someone was following but every time I look back, no one was there. Creeek! Okay now this is getting out of hand. I turned to the direction where I heard the sound.

"Is anyone there?" I called out. No one answered. When I turned back to the my direction, I screamed when I saw Conner.

"Gosh Conner! You scared the sh*t out of me. What do you want?!"

"Remember what I said back the other day when your lover punched me? Do you remember?"

"Yeah." Okay he is freaking obsess.

"Are you scared?" He let out a chuckle.

I started walking away. I looked back and he's still staring at me, but the way he looked at me wasn't in any evil way. It was like he wanted my forgiveness. It was like he never wanted to push me away like he did before.

I ran as fast as I could until I reached Beth's house.

I went in Beth's house even without knocking on the door. I heard footsteps coming from the stairs. "BOO!"

"Beth! WHAT THE HELL! You almost gave me a heart attack." I said as I clutch onto the neckline of my top.

"What is wrong with you? Emmie?"

"What?" I asked while peeking outside.

"What's wrong? You look like you saw a lion trying to get you. Did you run?"

"Yes Beth. I ran. Could we just go to your room? I'll tell you what's happening."

I told her what happened the past few days when she wasn't with me. "So Conner was being evil. Emmie, why is Conner trying to get you?" I told her about my past.

2 years ago, back in our old town in Tennessee, Conner slapped me for being with the guy he hates. My ex-boyfriend, who cheated on me, was punched by Conner. I tried to stop him but when he faced me, he slapped me. Even Ron saw it.

"What's THAT for?!" I fired at him.

"I told you not to be with him! He'll cheat on you! I told you that I'll protect you remember?!"

"Conner! It's too much. Leave me alone! You've been way too protective." And with that, I stormed off.

The next day, I was walking with Ron, and he saw me not looking at him. It wasn't the right time to talk to him. I was really mad at him.

"Hey Emmie! Wait up!" Conner was running. He was following me.

"What do you want Conner?" I turned around to face him.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you yesterday."

"Wow! So my Best friend is telling me that he didn't mean to hurt me when he slapped me and I could see anger in his eyes. Really now, MR. Vincent!" I told him.

"I'm very very sorry. Please, Emmie. Please," He begged too much. he even dropped down on his knees, "Emerald. I love you."

"Go away!" I walked away crying and went to the parking lot with Ron comforting me.

Since then, I didn't talk to Conner and that time, mom and dad and Ron's parents found a job in Chicago. We moved in Chicago. One day, mom said that the Vincents also moved here. Conner is now mean to me and a real bad boy.

"So that is the story behind you and Conner?" Beth asked.

"Yeah! I like it that he cares about me but being over protective made me mad and remember, he slapped me."

"Oh. Anyway, are you sleeping here?" Beth asks with pleading eyes.

"Nope. Ron is planning to have our first date tomorrow."

"Awww," she says like a sad little girl wanting for a cup of ice cream. "Wait so you are really in love with our best friend? Wow! He is like our friend for only a year and now you're dating him. Sweet!"

"He's my best friend for so long you know. So Beth, Do you have a crush?" I asked her and gave her the tell-me-your-secrets look.

"No.... I don't know." She said looking nervous.

"Tell me the truth Beth. We promised each other, remember?" She looked so nervous, the look anyone would give when they know they are in trouble.

"Okay fine. I have a crush on a guy in the swim team."

I'm shocked with what she said, "Who?!"

"Emmie, The best friend of Ron. He is in the swim team."

"Wait. Let me think. Wait. OMG! You like Wesley! Wesley McMorris," She nodded. "Okay. It's getting late. I'll go home."

"What? Emmie! It's only afternoon. Why?" She asked, trying her best to beg for me to stay.

"Nothing. I'll just talk to.... Ron?" I said with a teasing look.

"Don't you dare tell him, Emmie or I will take your fave hoodie." Beth said as she pointed her finger at me with a serious look.

"Okay. I'll shut up."

"Okay. Bye," I went down stairs. I didn't leave because of that, but because Conner might stalk me or something. I called Ron and told him to pick me up. After 10 minutes of waiting, He was already outside with his Red Chevy.

"Why did you bring a car? You could have just walk. It's fine with me."

"Emmie, Damien allowed me."

"Allowed you to what?"

"Bring you somewhere on a date today. It's a surprise," Surprises, surprises... this is one reason why I fell for my best friend.

I looked at him intently, wondering what could this surprise be. Could this be a prank or was he really planning a big surprise. I don't know but, "Okay."


Hey readers!

I'm so sorry if the chapters are really short. I'm doing my best to make them longer. There are more things coming for Emmie and Ron, especially to Beth and her crush.

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- Bri :)

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