-thirty eight-

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I turned the corner, and jogged for one more lap before I head back home. I'm really tired of just keeping myself inside the hospital, or inside my room. After Ron dropped me off, I stayed in my room for few days. Getting tired of the darkness in it, I decided to just get my ass off of that bed. I needed sunlight, and there's nothing really I can do about the situation. I just have to face reality and accept whatever reality throws at me.

I jogged faster this time as I saw the sign of my street's name. I sprinted until I turned the corner. Luckily, no one was walking on the curb in that street. I was able to finish my sprint, and reach my front door.

Even when I didn't feel all that happy nor too sad, I got my butt out of my room. I was just too tired of everything. I was thankful I have Ron, my friends and my family. When I didn't want to get out of the house, either Ron or Bethany and the other girls would bug me and torture me with tons of messages and phone calls until I say yes to going out with them. Of course, when I get to the point where I can't control their eagerness anymore, I say yes.

I grab my bottle of water from the freezer. It was iced so I have to wait until it melts and becomes liquid again. I sit in the dining room, just relaxing my body. The water dripped as it melts, and every drop I followed. Then, it reminded me of every tears shed, and every drop of blood finds its way to the ground. I feared the consequences of our action, but like I said, I just have to face reality. Everything was at its worse situation, and I'm lucky that recovery is taking its place.

I jump out of shock as my cellphone blared. My phone vibrated on the table. Looking at the screen, I see Alyssa's face on it. I continued to stare at the screen. I'm not in the mood to take calls at the moment. Since she's the insistent type like Bethany, she called again and do the same thing. She calls again and again and again until it reached to the 7th phone call and I can't handle the crazy ringtone and the loud volume. When I answered it, this was the first thing I got:

"He's awake."

•   •   •   •

Ron and I burst into the hospital and made sure not to hit anyone as we run our way through Conner. Ron received the phone call before Alyssa actually called me, and the moment I hung up, Ron was already waiting outside my house.

When Ron and I arrived at Conner's room, I was expecting just me and Ron and Cassy, but I entered the room with everyone inside. Ron, the Vincents, Damien, Wesley, Vester ane Jorge, and of course the girls were all there, making the hospital room really cramped.

Conner was there, lying down and still pale, but he's able to speak at least. "Will there be a party here in a few minutes? Because I swear, the room is so crowded. I think the people in it are good enough for an apartment party."

Everyone reacted nicely at Conner, but Ron and I just hissed. It was barely funny; not barely, but not at all. "What did that bullet do to your humor? It's a dry humor now," Ron said.

That's when everyone chuckled. I can see it from their faces. "Awwww. My buddy is here!" Conner said childishly.

Ron smiled, knowing that Conner isn't lost or whatsoever. He's still the same Conner we all know. I sit down next to Molly and lie my head on her shoulder. I was glad we're all together again. Conner is awake, at last. Maybe we can do what we all do together.

"Hey Ron!" Vester called.


"Think fast!" Then Vester threw an apple so fast to Ron.

"What the hell, dude!" Ron clutched on his cheek as he picks up the apple. "I don't play baseball like you, bro."

"It means your reflexes aren't fast," Jorge told him. "Anyway, we'll push Vester in the pool. Let's see if he'll survive. He'll probably call your name, Ron. Or maybe Wesley's name!"

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