-twenty nine-

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"Wait. Did I ask you why you live with your granny?"

"Yeah. I lost my parents and I don't know who to live with, so I stayed with Granny and Aunt Laury."

"Where's your aunt?"

"At work," he said in a 'duh' tone and I muttered an 'Oh'.

"If I may ask, and I'm not being rude, what happened?"

Tyler stayed silent. I know it's stupid of me to ask when I know he's not comfortable talking about it. The air was tensed. None of us spoke again. It means he won't answer it. I feel so awkward so I said, "I'm so sorry Co- Tyler. I didn't mean to ask. I didn't want you to think about it but-"

"It's okay, Emmie. Anyway turn left, right?"


He turned left to my street and quickly stopped his car infront of... Ron's?


"Ron." Tyler and I said at the same time.

Ron's car is here which means he's here. Sitting still in my seat, I watched someone pull the curtains and looked out. The boy darted his eyes to Tyler's car, then pushed back the curtains. Dammit! What will I say to him. We may not be talking, but we're still together.

"Look Tyler, gotta go quick," I said as I opened the door. "See you around."

"Bye." He greeted. Before I even shut the door, I asked him one last question. "Ty, question," He looked up waiting for me to keep going. "Can I just call you Cole? I like that better than Tyler."

"Sure, Em. I prefer that name more than Tyler. I even wished that everyone would start calling me that again."

"Thanks! Bye." I said. He waved at me, and I shut the door. I ran to the front door of my house. I slowly opened the door and got in. I looked up and saw Ron, Meri and her boyfriend, Jared.

"Emmie!" Meri squealed. She stood up and hugged me.

"What's up Meri?"

She looked behind her and discreetly pointed at Ron. "Okay, we'll leave you and my twin. Where will you stay?"

 I pointed upwards, telling her we might talk upstairs. She, then, pointed to the kitchen telling me Jared and her will stay there. I nod my head, then she went to the kitchen. I was about to go up when suddenly, Ron called me. "Emmie? Can we talk?"

I kept quiet. I didn't say a thing. Without thinking twice, I nodded and went upstairs. I could feel him following me. I could hear his foots steps behind me. I unlocked my bedroom door and entered. I dropped my phone on the table and walked to my closet. I grabbed my pajamas, my black and pink pajamas. I turned around and got shocked. Ron stood so close to me.

"Can we talk before you change?" he asked. Those eyes are so beau- focus, Emmie! He asked you something.

I moved away from where he's standing to change in my bathroom. As I was about to enter my bathroom, Ron grabbed me by my wrist and said, "Emmie, please. I know it hurt you so bad and I feel so guilty. Could you just give time to me?"

I insisted on what I want, so I pulled away and quickly entered my bathroom. I quickly changed to my pajamas and dropped what I wore in the dirty clothes. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, and once I finished, I dried my hands and my face using my fluffy, mint green towel. I exited the bathroom, and prepared myself for Ron will fill me in with why he was in a heated make out session with Corrine.

Ron was there sitting on my bed. He looked at me deep in the eyes with determination. He will really tire me from listening to him tonight. I looked away from him and walked over to my bed. I sat at the other side of the bed and checked my phone that I placed on the bedside table.

I lay down and waited for Ron to speak. He lay down beside me and spoke.

"Emmie," He said as he took my hand in his. "I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry I kissed Corrine. I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing. I thought I was with you. I never-"

"You said you were tipsy. How come you didn't know that you kissed someone else?" I asked as he looked at me with wide eyes.

"I heard someone call and when I looked, it was you who called me. Then, I started making out with you, but then you suddenly screamed three words I didn't expect you to say. And all this time, I thought you were in that room with me. It was Corrine and I didn't know." He explain hurriedly like he didn't want me to interrupt him.

"Don't expect too much. Expect the unexpected. It can hurt you and the people around you," I said sternly. "And don't ever think I would love a man who just kissed a different girl that's not me."

I said everything like I really mean it. I faced the other side and waited until I feel drowsy. Still with eyes wide open and ears clearly hearing, it was dead silent. And after a really long silence, Ron spoke, "Are you saying you don't love me anymore? Are you... breaking up with me?"

Asking me those questions suddenly made me regret everything I said earlier. He still loves me and I still love him. I could still feel the connection between us. I still remember the days we try to be together out somewhere, only to be careful and be afraid once we heard about the stupid gang. I tried speaking my thoughts and answering his question, or maybe I did.

"I still love you," I said not going above a whisper. "I'm not breaking up with you." Suddenly, tears made its way down my cheeks. Not satisfied with what I said, I continued speaking but louder this time. "It pains to see my man kissing another girl, and the girl someone your man used to date. It pains to see that I'm not the only one." I said as I start sobbing. Ron wrapped his arm around me, and said thousands of sorrys and thousands of 'I Love You's.

"Could you leave me alone?" I asked politely.

"Won't you for-"

"No. Just go. Leave." I said with finality.

I could feel the other side of my bed empty as Ron stood up. I heard his foot steps. The sound of his steps slowly dies, and the door opens. I don't know if he took his time, but after a few seconds, the door shuts.

I cried and cried and just let the tears fall until I'm drained.

They said first SERIOUS love never dies, but could that be fate for me, especially with the thrill of someone after us?

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