-thirty two-

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I never thought that Cole's Aunt and Grandmother would allow us to sleep in his basement, but of course there were some rules like no staying up too late and boys will be sleeping separately from the girls. We decided to move some things in Cole's basement like this big table to the side and push back his television a bit and his couch. The more space the better. Since there were only me and Alyssa, the boys had bigger space than us.

For some reason, I wanted Ron beside me. I craved for his back hugs and his forehead kisses. It reminded me of the week when he had to sleep over at our house since his parents were on a trip. I missed those nights where I sneak into the guest room just to sleep beside him. Of course, we were with our friends right now so there's no way we were displaying too much affection in front of them.

Since some of the guys were snoring already and Alyssa was peacefully sleeping, I text Ron. We didn't want to get up and then disturb these sleeping potatoes just because we wanted a kiss goodnight or something.

Me: Ron...

Ron: yeah?

Me: I love you to the moon and back :)

Ron: I love you 10x the distance of the moon from the earth. Goodnight, babe.

Me: Goodnight.

• • •

The next morning, Cole made breakfast for us with the help of his Grandmother. In return to their kind act, Alyssa and I washed the dishes while Jorge and Vester sweeped and mopped the floor. Conner and Ron on the other hand, organized the living room and the basement. It was these small things that keep our group together, even when it comes to cleaning.

At the moment, we're just hanging out in the basement. We've been doing a movie marathon since this morning and it never gets old especially when we decide to watch a horror movie. There were a few screams and jump scares not only from us girls, but also from the guys, especially Jorge the goofy one. Watching movies was how we wanted to spend our Wednesday. We all planned not to go to school just in case there were any updates on the gang and from the police.

Every once in a while, I check my phone just in case I missed any text or call. Cole was looking back and forth from the television to his phone as well. It's not like I'm not nervous and worried. I'm not nervous and worried actually. I'm very very nervous and fuck worried. I'm terrified as well. Anytime soon, we will all face them with the police men as our back up. I had to remind myself a couple of times that it will be okay, but my mind would be racing every time. My family was already worried of me. They noticed that I've been a bit... off lately. Damien called me thrice to look out for me and to make sure I'm doing fine. They never knew how my friends were out and gone.

Beth's parents had called me and even Wesley's parent called Ron. They were worried sick, and both their mothers were crying hysterically when they found out that they were kidnapped. I think everyone in town heard about this news, and this is another reason why this morning, we decided to stay home. More like Cole's home.

Later, Ramona's parents called Cole and Jordan's parents called Vester. We all did the same thing and explained to them what was going on. Vester explained to us that Jordan's parents couldn't help but stay silent throughout the call. It must have been so hard to know that your child was gone, and somewhere in random people's hands. Of course, we made a move. All of their parents know, and of course we won't let something like this happen again.

Since Cole had the longest conversation on the phone, he had to stay outside the basement the longest. It kind of bothered me because there was always a possibility that Ramona's parents would blame everything on Cole. It was no one's fault. If there was someone to blame, Cole isn't alone to take it. I had to remind my friends every once in a while that we will all fall together.

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