-twenty one-

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A week of school have passed.

School last week was a total blur. Monday and Tuesday last week were fun. All we did on Monday was stay in the cottage and ice skate on Tuesday. Wednesday came and and we go back to school. As usual, I go to my 2 morning classes followed by a 30 minute recess then another 2 subjects. Lunch before another 3 classes then finally we're dismissed.

It's already the 3rd Thursday of January 2013.

Here I am sitting down on the lunch table with my friends. Lunch to me right now is study. I use this time to either eat my lunch or study for a quiz. I tend to zone out at their conversations or when I read my notes. Sometimes, Molly or Alyssa or even a varsity captain would snap me out of my daze just like a while ago. The story?

This captain wearing a varsity jacket for the baseball team happened to be behind me. He's cute with his hair up and-

Oh shut up Emmie!

Anyway. The line moved twice but I didn't realize. He tapped on my shoulder thrice. I turned around and he pointed something in front of me. I looked at what he was pointing at and that's when I realized that the line moved twice.

"Stop zoning out, beautiful girl," he said. "You might zone in in the wrong place at the wrong time."

I felt embarrassed and just thought of what to eat. I didn't fight back. I'm just a bit tired. Teachers lately would fill us with homeworks and quizzes.

"Hey Emmie!"


"You okay?" Vester asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Why?"

"You tend to zone out. What are you thinking about?"

Thinkin' about how I can graduate without a gang who would ruin everything.

"Nothing. Just this quiz."


"Relax, Emmie. You always get an A or a B in Chemistry," Molly said. "Eat and Relax your mind." She handed me some crackers and I just stared at it.

"Will you eat it or not?" I ripped off the wrapper and started eating, noticing that she's getting impatient.


"Bye bro!"

"See ya later."


"Bro shake!"

We all say bye and meet later then head to our next class.

I head to my next class which is Chemistry. I came in the room and only few students were around. I sat on the seat at the second row near the door. I kept reading my Chem book until everyone comes in. Obviously, I got bored because I have read this a million times since last night. I took out my pen and just watch people come in late


The final bell rang.

"Hey Ems. Guess who's in town." A voice whispered in my ear. I looked behind me and it was Molly.

"Who?" I asked.

"Okay Class! Keep all your things except your pen. The quiz will start." The teacher announced.

"I'll tell you later." Molly whispered again.

45 minutes later...

This fricking quiz is killing me! I have 2 numbers left before I finish and a minute left to finalize everything. Is this A? No I think it's C. No wait. Ahh. It's C. I'm on my last number when the ringing of the bell was heard.

Great! I get to miss one!

"Pass all papers forward." Mr. Clyde said. I wrote D on the last number it was totally a wild guess. "Okay class dismiss."

I put my pen in my bag and as I was about to leave, someone called me. "Yo Emmie!" I looked back and there stood Jordan.

"H-hey Jordan!"

"So do you think you'll get an A?" I knew this was coming. An A? Seriously? I don't think I did well.

"I don't think so. Wait." I said.

I could feel that someone else is here. I looked behind me. No one. I then looked behind Jordan. Ha! It's...




I was suppose to post this in the previous chapter but anyway. Here ya go. Suggested Books.

1. Facebook Crush? by angellover254

2. My Second Chance Mate by kauigirl

3. My Killer Romance by iguana95

Read these awesome books by awesome authors.


What do you think will happen when Tyler and Emmie meets? What will happen when Emmie finds out who Tyler is? Find out in the next few chapters.

- Bri :)

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