Hall Of Fame

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-Olivia's P.O.V-
"You look pretty sweetie." My mom said as I was looking at the dress I was wearing. "Why couldn't I wear my Converse?" I asked as my mom shook her head. "It wouldn't look right." She said. "I'm wearing a dress, you should be happy about that." I said as she started to laugh. Then someone knocked on my hotel room door, and I opened it to reveal my Uncle Shawn, Aunt Shannon, and cousin Samantha I hugged them all. "My mom won't let me wear Converse." I said to Samantha. "Aunt Steph, you did a good thing." Samantha said as I fell like a little kid. "Thanks Samantha. Now she won't stop bugging us." My mom said. "Olivia get up. You're not five anymore!" My father yelled. I got up, got a change of clothes, some Converse, and went to grab my car keys when my mom stopped me. "We have a limo taking us, so you don't need your car." She said. I still picked them up. "Okay. I will come with you guys." She hugged me. and she saw I had a bag full of clothes. "For afterwards." Is all I said to her as she shook her head. When everyone started out I changed my shoes in my Converse, and I carried my heels in my hand because I wasn't falling on my face again. When I caught up my mom looked at me and saw I was carrying my heels. "Why did you take off your heels?" She asked. "I wasn't going to fall on my face again." I said before I got in the limo. My mom must have known I wasn't comfortable in the dress I was wearing by the way I was walking. "It's okay. You can take it off when the Hall Of Fame is over." She said which made me smile. "Thank you, mom." I said to her. My mom then pulled out some wine for the adults, and some water for Samantha and I. "Man, Dean can't see this." Samantha said because I told her what had happened when my mom and I were training. "Yes he can. I told him I would get him to see her drunk, and I keep my promises." I said as Dean got into the limo with Roman Reigns. "Hi Dean. Hi Roman." Samantha and I said together. "Hi Olivia. Hi Samantha." Roman said. "Hey Girls." Dean said. My mom than started to get drunk and I could tell. I then pulled her drink from her, and she started to yell at me. I dumped out her drink, and she walked to my dad to complain. He started to laugh at her which made her even worse, and then she tried to walked and fell on face. I started to laugh really hard which made me cry of laughter. Then my dad walked over to me. "We are going to have to help your mom walk in." "Okay sir." I said to him. My mom came over to me, and she started to whisper something to me. "Do you think Dean bought it?" I looked at her confused until she continued. "Acting sweetie." She said with a smile on her face. "Does your face hurt?" I asked trying not to laugh. "It hurts, but I will get over it soon. Sweetie." She said. When we got there Samantha and her family went their way, Dean and Roman went their way, and my parents and I went our way. None of us sat next to each other, and when we got to where we sit I saw Lita sat next to me. I smiled when I saw her, and then I walked up to her to hug her. "Olivia, are you wearing a dress and high heels?" She asked. "Yes, and I hate this whole outfit." I said. She laughed at my answer because she knows I hate heels.
*Skip to the end of HOF*
"That was very long, mom." I said as she laughed. "You haven't changed have you?" MY mom asked. "Nope." I answered. "Are you ready for your match tomorrow Liv?" My mom asked because it was against her. "Yes, but I am very nervous." I said. "Don't be nervous. As long as you try I'll be fine, but if you throw the match we will have another one." She said. "If I win you and dad loose your guys job, and I am in charge. It's what happened with Team Cena vs. Team Authority at Survivor Series." I said with a frown. "It's okay, Olivia. As long as you try, and if you win I won't be mad." She said.

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