Final Chapter

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*Back in America*

-Olivia's P.O.V-

"Your parents are picking us up right?" Tobias asked. "Yeah. They should have the kids too, and after this I leave for Monday Night Raw." I said. "What are you going to do?" He asked. "I'm getting one match I want. I called him already so he knows, and we have it set up." I said. "Who is it?" He asked. "The person is going to remain a secret." I said. "Look there's your parents and the kids." He said pointing at them. "Hold on." I said. I put my bags down, and then called my kid's names. "Mommy!" Asher and Alexis yelled running to me. I bent down so that they would run into me, and when they got to me I opened my arms causing them to jump into my arms. "How was it with Grandma and Grandpa?" I asked. "Good!" They both yelled. I hugged them both once again, and then got up to be able to look at my parents in the eyes. "How were they?" I asked. "They all were good. Zack woke your mom up a few times though." My dad said. "Okay. Can I see Zack?" I asked. "Yes." My mom said handing me Zack. "He's getting big." I said. "Yeah, he is." My mom said sounding sad. "Mom, are you okay?" I asked. "I miss when you were that small." She said. "Are you staying her to help Tobias?" I asked. "Yes, I am." She said. "Would you watch them for me again?" I asked. "Liv, you never have to ask." She said. "Okay." I said. "How was it?" She asked. "Good. We ended up doing it after our conversation." I said. "Olivia! You did it!" She yelled. "Yes. Do not make a scene." I said with a glare. "I'm proud of you." She said. "I don't know what to say to that." I said. "You don't need to say anything." She said. "Well I leave again later today." I said "Have fun." She said. "I will." I said with a sight smirk.

*Monday Night Raw*

I was waiting to hear my dad's theme song to go off to head out. None of the fans nor wrestlers knew I was here. "Behold the kings, king of kings." I heard the beginning of his theme song. When I walked out everyone started to cheer making me smile. I got into the ring and smile even more. "Man, it's great to be back! My parents are with my husband because they needed to train my husband for WWE." I said. "Tonight there is one match that only I and one other person know about. I know my family will hate what will happen, but I don't care." I added. Then Summer Rae's theme song came on, and she walked out. "Did your husband do something wrong for you to be here?" Summer asked. "I wouldn't push a McMahon's buttons." I said. "Why not. You weren't here for years and you think you can come back." She said. "See here's the thing, unlike my parents, I can see bad talent that is wasting space in WWE. I can hire or fire someone. So Summer. You're fired." I said. The whole building starting cheering, and Summer was screaming at me. "I'm probably going to get in trouble for that too. Hold on." I said feeling my phone vibrate. "It's my mom. Guess I should answer it." I said. "But I'm not so enjoy your show." I said before getting out of the ring.

When I got backstage there were some divas and superstars there. "Liv, it's great to see you again." Seth said. "Great to see you too, but I need to make a call." I said. "Olivia, that was pretty awesome of you to do that. What match were you talking about?" My mom said when she answered. "No 'hi Olivia, it's nice to talk'?" I questioned. "But thanks. Also the match is a secret you will see, but like I said you will probably hate it." I said. "Mom, I have a show to run goodbye." I said before hanging up before she said bye. "Sorry Seth. My parents hate when I don't call back so I had to call." I said. "It's fine. Your parents are my bosses any way." He said. "What is the match you have planned?" He asked. "Let's just say I could get really hurt or I could be okay, and the match isn't scripted." I said before walking away.

When I got to my office I saw Brock standing outside of the door. "I can't believe you really want to wrestle her." He said. "You have fought against everyone I know so why not." I said shrugging. "I'll have her take it easy on you." He said. "Don't. This is something I want to show my parents I can handle it." I said. "What happens if you get hurt?" He asked. "I get hurt. Brock, I know you trained her well and her being your daughter she will be a great women's wrestler. I'll never call that girl a dive unless she acts like one. I'm proud to be apart of her first WWE match, and I can't wait to face her. Does she know?" I asked. "Nope, just us." He said. "Good." I said. "Now get her ready to go out there and sign her contract." I said. "Okay. See you out there, Olivia." He said. "See you out there." I said. I walked back to my the guerilla with the contract ready.

When I got to the guerilla I saw Brock with his daughter causing me to smile at them. "Hi I'm Olivia McMahon." I said introducing myself as a McMahon because at WWE I as still going to go by Olivia McMahon. "I'm Ryan." Brock's daughter said. "Don't take it easy on me during the match." I said. "Okay." She said. "Come out when I call the both of you out." I said before I walked out. I saw the workers had a table set up already, and I smiled. "Today there will be a new WWE women wrestler. This girl has been trained to fight in other places and brands but because her dad worked here she came. To make her dad proud, I would like both of you to come out." I said. Brock's theme song played and then they both walked out and down to the ring. "Ryan, I know you know about this, but here's your contract we came up with." I said handing it to her. I watched her sign it and then she handed it back to me. "Welcome to WWE Ryan Lensar. To kick off your career in WWE you will be facing me tonight in the surprise match I made." I said. "I want you to do what your father taught you not what people have told you." I added. She smiled and then grabbed a mic. "Thanks Miss-." I stopped her. "Miss McMahon is my mom, I'm Olivia." I said. "Thanks Olivia." She said. "No problem. Now go get ready because our match is going to happen soon." I said getting out of the ring.

*Skip to Match*

We both stood in the ring starring each other down. "It's another Lensar vs. McMahon match." JBL said. "Olivia, wanted a match with me, but when she found out about my daughter she wanted to have a match with her." Brock said. "How did she find out about you daughter?" JBL asked. "When she asked with me I told I about my daughter. She asked for videos of her to watch on a plane to Italy, and then she came back to us saying she wanted her to be a part of WWE. Only her and I knew about this match though." Brock said. "Ring the bell." The ref said. We locked up and she got the advantage. She lifted me up and then dropped me on the ring. I got up right back up and saw her running at me. I kicked her in the gut and then I ran at her. I speared her and then got on the top rope. When I jumped she moved and I hit the mat hard. "Are you okay?" I heard the ref ask. "Yes." I whispered. I got up and then felt her lift me up. I reversed it into a Twist of Fate. She somehow managed to reverse the move by grabbing my arms and slamming me down then. We continuously kept switching who had the advantage, and then I went for the pedigree."Olivia McMahon is setting up for the pedigree." JBL said. While setting her up for this I felt my self get lifted up and then I hit the mat harder than ever. "1! 2! 3! Ring the bell!" The ref yelled. "Here's your winner by pin fall, Ryan Lensar!" An announcer said. "I can't believe Ryan Lensar reversed the pedigree into a F5." Michael Cole said. "Olivia, can you hear me?" A doctor asked. I went to shake my head but instead yelled out in pain. I felt something get put around my neck and then I felt someone grab my hand. "You're an idiot for doing all of that, Liv." Uncle Glenn. "Your parents, Tobias, and kids are all coming. Your parents and Tobias didn't sound to happy on the phone." He said. "They will be meeting us at the hospital." He added.

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