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-Olivia's P.O.V-

When we got to Virginia I decided to call my dad.

O= Olivia

T= Triple H

O- "Hey dad!"

T- "Olivia! IS everyone okay?"

O- "Yes dad. I got everyone out safe and sound."

T- "Good. Where are you guys?"

O- "Virginia. Where are you?"

T- "Ohio. Why?"

"Mom go to Ohio!" I yelled to my mom, who was driving now. "What city?!" She yelled back.

O- "What city?"

T- "Cleveland."

"Mom, Cleveland, Ohio!" I yelled again.

T- "Olivia, what are you doing?"

O- "You will see."

T- "Okay."

O-"Dad, I promise we are all fine. I will not let them get hurt."

T- "I know. Where are your friends, it's to quite?"

O- "Different tour bus."

T- "Okay, that makes sense. I love you, Olivia."

O- "I love you too, dad."

I hung up before sitting down on the couch. "How long will it take to get to Ohio?" I asked my grandpa. "Depends." He said. "Okay. Well I'm getting hungry." I said before getting up. I walked over to the kitchen area, grabbed a brownie, and sat down to eat it when someone sat across from me. "You had me worried." My mom said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I didn't know why you were packing up." She said. "Mom, I told you I wasn't going to leave and I won't break that promise. Shouldn't you be driving?" I asked looking at her. "Your grandfather and I changed who was driving at this state border. Anyway where are all of your friends?" She asked. "The tour bus behind us is them. We got the guys from the band in it too, if you want to meet them you can." I said. "Can I eat my brownie now or are you going to question me some more?" I asked. "You can eat it, but I do have one more question." She said. "Okay. Go ahead with the question." I said. "When can I meet the people from your band?" She asked. "Later today we are all stopping somewhere to get some food." I said. "Okay." She said. Then I started to eat the brownie before she could say anything else.

*Dinner at a Restaurant*

"I never thought we would be doing this again, Olivia." Blaze, one of my band mates said. "Neither did I Blaze." I said. "It's cool to do this again." He said. "It really is." I said. "We see you are still the same person." Jake, another one of my band mates said. "Jake, I told you guys I wouldn't change." I said. "When can we meet your mom?" Jake asked. "When she decides to come out of the tour bus." I said. When she walked out she looked at me and then walked over to us. "Hi." My mom said. "Mom, this is Jake the drummer, Blaze the bass guitarist, Jackson the electric guitarist, and Mike our screamer and manager guy." I said. "Guys this is my mom Stephanie McMahon." I said. "Hi!" They all yelled. "Olivia, your mother is-." Jake started, but I cut him off. "I don't really want to know what you think of my mom." I said causing them all to laugh. "You ruin the fun, Olivia." He said. "I find it weird when people say anything about my parents or try to get me to agree with what they are saying." I said. Tobias walked over to me hugged me. Everyone walked away when he came over, it wasn't because they hate him they know I like privacy. "You're getting huge! One day you're going to pop!" He said excitedly which made me laugh. "Yeah, I know." I said. "It's cool to see you and your band mates together again." He said. "It's fun to be with them again." I said. "They are like family to me." I added. "I can see by the way you guys act together." He said. "I love when you guys get together because random things happen." He added. "Yeah, the last time we were together they tried to get me to go skinny dipping with them." I said. "Where?" He asked. "My house; when my parents were home." I said. "No way!" He yelled making them all look at us. "Thanks now they are all looking at us." I said hitting him. "Angry 19 year old?" He asked. "No." I said giggling. "We should probably head over to them." He said. "Also I love your giggle." He added.

When we walked over to everyone, everyone looked at us. "Is there anything funny we should tell your mom?" They asked me. "Yes, remember when you guys were over and tried to get me to go skinny dipping with you guys in the middle of the night?" I asked them. "Oh my. Your face was the best that night because we were going to swim in your family's pool." Jake said laughing. "You guys went skinny dipping in our pool?" My mom asked. "Yep. We have no regrets." Jake said again. "But I didn't. I had a swimming suit on." I added. "Olivia, you're lucky your father doesn't know about this." She said. "He does." I said making the guys laugh. "How?" She asked. "He walked out, saw them, and then I pushed him in the pull." I said. "He pulled Olivia in with him." Jake added. "Is that why you guys were in the living room with different clothes on in the morning?" She asked. "Yep." I said. "Your dad got to meet them before I did?" She asked. I normally tell her things before my father. "Yep, and before you ask he did tell the guys to put their clothes on or he would call the cops." I said. "I'm going to talk to grandma and grandpa." I said. "I'll come with you." My mom said. "Me to." Tobias said.

"Hey grandma and grandpa." I said walking up to them. "Hi Olivia." They said. "How's everything going?" I asked them. "Good. How's everything going with your band mates?" Grandma asked me. "Going great so far." I said with a smile. "I have to introduce my kids to them." I added. "Why?" Grandpa asked. "They helped me when they were on tour and one of the guys has a kid too." I said. "What do you mean?" He asked me. "He got a girl pregnant, but the girl didn't want the kid so he took the kid. He knows what it's like in an adoption center." I said. "Oh." He said. "Why?" My grandma asked. "He was in it for a few years." I said. "Oh." Everyone said. "Then why does he hang around you so much?" Tobias asked. "He was adopted in 6th grade. He knew his mom and dad before being put in there." I said. "What happened to his parents?" My mom asked. "They died in a shooting." I said. "Someone broke into their house and his parents were protecting him." I added. "I will be right back I have to do something." Tobias said pecking me on the lips. "Okay." Everyone said.

-Samantha's P.O.V-

"Where are we going, Sam?" Blaze asked me. "I don't know, but Olivia probably know." I said. "I wonder what the problem was." Jake said. "Olivia told me her father called her and told her to get out of their house. She said he said there was a storm coming." I said. "Oh okay." Jake said. Then Tobias walked over to me. "I need to ask you something, Sam." He said. "Okay." I said walking away with him. "Do you think Paul and Stephanie would let me propose to their daughter?" He asked. "What?!" I asked excitedly. "I was thinking of doing it on her 20th birthday in front of her family, but I want permission from her parents before." He said. "I really don't know about Paul, but Stephanie might say yes right away." I said. "Now one more question. Would you mind me marrying your best friend?" He asked. I stood there in shock after he asked me that. "No, you two are meant to be together." I aid excitedly again. "Do you know when we are seeing Paul again? I want to ask them both at the same time." He said. "I think we are heading to where WWE is." I said. "Okay. Thanks Sam." He said. "No problem, but if you break Olivia's heart I'll break your face." I said causing him to laugh. "I won't. You aren't going to be the only person saying that?" He asked. "Nope I won't. Just don't get scared by any wrestler that says it; Olivia hates when guys get scared by them." I said. "Okay." He said before he left.

-Stephanie's P.O.V-

"Olivia, where are we going after this?" I asked. "Cleveland. That's where dad is. Don't you remember me yelling that to you?" She asked. "Yes. Sorry I forgot about that." I said. "Aunt Steph, you need to go talk to Tobias at some point." Samantha said wile walking over to us. "Why?" Olivia asked. "He wants to know if your mom and dad could teach him how to wrestle." Samantha said. "I could do that." Olivia said. "He knows that, but he wants to learn some of your parents moves." Samantha said. "I'll go talk to him." I said walking away. When I walked up to him he seemed very nervous. "Samantha said I needed to talk to talk to you." I said. "Are we going to meet with Triple H?" He asked. "Yes we will be meeting with him. You do know you can call him Paul right?" I asked. "Okay. I will talk to you both then." He said. "Why?" I asked. "I need your guys help." He said.

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