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-Oliva's P.OV-

I am now six months pregnant, and today is the day I find out if I am having a boy or a girl. I went back to my parents house because they had to go back to WWE. My father went to the hospital before he went back to wkrk because my mom wouldn't let him go to wkrk without being in good condition. "Are you ready to find out if you are having a boy or girl? My mom asked. She came back home to be with me today. "Yes." I said. "Who's taking care of the kids?" She asked. "Sam and Ryan are." I said. Samantha and Ryan having been dating eber since thier date, and they make the cutest couple. "Okay." She said. "Thanks for coming mom." I said. "No problem." She said. When we got there I signed in and then we were called back immdently. We walked back to the room and I lifted my hoodie up. "Are you ready Olivia?" The doctor asked. "Yes sir." I said. He put the cold gel on my stomach and started to move the wand thingy on my stomach. He found the baby and pointed it out. "It looks like you are having a boy." He said causing me to cry. Then he put another object on me to see if everything was okay. "It seems to be very healthy. Would you like to hear the heartbeat?" He asked. "Yes please." I said. He turned something on and we all heard a little heart beat. "Would you like a picture of the ultrasound?" He asked. "Yes." I said. I got a picture from everyone of my ultrasounds I had. He did something on his computer and then left to get the picture. "Are you crying, Olivia?" My mom asked. "Yes." I said. "It's okay to cry every mom does it. I did it." She said making me laugh. "I never went to the doctor's for Alexis and Asher. The only time I went was to have them because Samantha said and I quote 'I will not you help you give birth at home'." I said causing her to laugh. "You hoped for the best?" She asked. "Yes and everything was okay." I said. "Good. I will be here for you through everything." She said smiling. "Thanks mom." I said. "No problem, Olivia." She said. The doctor walkdd back in and gave me a picture of the ultrasound. "Here you go." He said. "Thank you so much." I said getting ready to leave. "I will tell dad through Skype today." I said. "Good." She said putting an arm around my shoulder. "Will you help me with a baby shower so we can tell family and friends?" I asked. "Sure kiddo." She said. "How are we going to tell everyone?" She asked. "I tell grandma and grandpa. You call everyone, tell them it's for you, and then the truth will come out." I said. "Olivia, you can't lie to them." She said. "I know. It's just that I don't want people to think I wanted this." I said. "I know you didn't, and that is all that should matter to you." She said. "I love you kiddo." She added. "I love you too mommy." I said. "Everything will be okay." She said.

When we got home, my mom got me my laptop. (I was going to get it, but she told me to sit down that she could get it for me.) "Hi dad!" I yelled. "Hi Olivia. How was the appointment?" He asked. "Good. I'm having a boy!" I said excitedly. "I'm going to have another grandson?" He asked. "Yep. Do you think you can handle it?" I questioned. "Yep. Hold on , Olivia." He said. "Glenn! Mark! Come here!" He yelled. "What do you? Olivia!" Mark yelled. "Why aren't you on tour with your dad?" He asked. "I'm pregnant again because I was raped." I said. "No way. You can't be pregnant!" He yelled. "Who's pregnant?" Uncle Glenn asked walking into view. "Olivia is." Uncle Mark said. "Wait, Olivia!" Uncle Glenn yelled at me. "I was raped and if you don't believe me ask my mom and dad." I said. "Who are you talking to, Olivia?" My mom asked. "Dad, Mark, and Glenn." I answered. "Tell them I said hi." She said causing me to laugh. "Hi Stephanie!" They all yelled to her. "Asher! Alexis!" I yelled. Then I heard little feet coming down the stairs, and saw them with Samantha. "Come say hi to some people I know." I said. "Okay mommy." They both said. "Mommy? Since when have you been a mommy?" Mark asked. "Since November 21st 2012." I said. "So they are three now?" He asked. "Yep. They'll be four pretty soon." I said. "Grandma and Grandpa are coming here later. They don't know about you and all." My mom said sitting next to me. "Hi Stephanie." Uncle Mark and Glenn said. "Hi guys." She said. "Paul, have you gotten hurt yet?" My mom asked my dad. "Not yet." He answered. "He probably will." I said causing everyone to laugh. "Ha-ha very funny, Olivia." My dad said. "How' everyone back home?" He asked. "Good." My mom answered. "Anything bad happen there dad?" I asked. "No not yet, but when something does-." He started, but was cut off by a worker walking in. "Paul, a few wrestlers are causing a big commotion. The worker said. "See what happens, Olivia?" He asked. "No. John sent me a text saying a few wrestlers were fighting." I said. "And how did you read it without us knowing?" He asked. "My phone is right here on my leg." I said lifting up my phone. "That's great." He said sarcastically. "I can't wait to come back, and wrestle again." I said causing everyone even my mom to laugh. "I can't believe you said that." My dad said, and everyone agreed with him. "Mom is boring here. All she talks about is boring things." I said. "And I miss the drama. There's no drama here." I added. "That's not the Olivia anyone knows." My dad said and everyone else shook there head. "What is wrong with your head today?" My mom asked. " I have no idea." I said. "Dad, can you tell Brie and Nikki I said hi?" I asked him. "Sure kiddo." He said. "Thanks dad." Is aid. "Bye!" I yelled smiling. "Bye!" He yelled mimicking me. "You and your father are weirdo's." My mom said.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked. "Sure, but remember your grandparents are coming over." She said. "I know." "Alexis, Asher. Go pick out a movie." I said to both of them. "Okay!" They yelled before running to pick a movie. "Hey Liv." Samantha said finally walking in. "Hey Sam." I said. "What are you having?" She asked. "A boy." I said. "Have you thought about names?" She asked. "Yes. Zachary, Zack for short, Jeffery Levesque." I said. "Aw. Jeffery must come from somewhere, so where does it come from?" She asked. "Jeff Hardy, you idiot." I said causing her to laugh. "Should have seen that coming. When will you name one after me?" She asked. "When you name one after me." I answered causing both of us to laugh. "Well you will be waiting for a while." She said. "I know. It has to do with the deal you and your father have about when you have kids." I said. "Being an aunt is already very tiring." She said. "Wait until you become a mom; and you are up with a baby crying, a child having nightmares, or someone doesn't feel good." I said. "T may seem hard, but in the end it's worth it." My mom said. Then Asher and Alexis came back in. "Mommy, she won't watch Avengers." Asher said. "Mommy, he won't watch this." Alexis said holding up the Minions movie. "How about we watch one and then the other." I said. "Mine first!" Asher yelled. "No mine!" Alexis yelled back. "Let grandma decide." I said smirking. "Okay." They both said. "Grandma, my movie." Asher said. "No mine." Alexis said. This went on for about five minutes until my mom took Alexis's movie. "We will watch this first then yours Asher. Next time Asher's movie goes first." My mom said. She put the movie in and came back over. She put an arm around me and pulled me closer to her. Alexis sat next to my mom while Asher sat next to me. I put my arm around Asher and he cuddled into my side. Alexis ran up the stairs and got her minion. She cuddled into my mom's side and held onto the minion like her life depended on it. "I love this mom." I said with a smile on my face. "I love this too, Olivia." She said.

At the end of the movie my grandparents came over and we talked about everything that had happened. They understood and they said that they would help us if we ever needed help.

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