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-Tobias's P.O.V-

I couldn't be more nervous. Test in the past haven't gotten me this nervous. "Hi Mr. Levesque." I said walking up to him. "Tobias, it's Paul." He said. "Stephanie will be here shortly." He said. "Okay." I said. When Stephanie got there my nerves started to get even worse. "Sorry I'm late." Stephanie said. "It's okay." I said. Paul stood up and let Stephanie sit down next to him. "Can I have your permission to marry Olivia?" I asked. "You must be joking." Paul said. "No. I want to ask her on her 20th birthday." I said. "That's so great you asked us first." Stephanie said. "You can marry her, but if you hurt her I will hurt you." Paul said. "Would you two like to help me pick out a ring?" I asked. "Yes we would." Stephanie said. "If you don't have enough-." I cut Paul off. "I will have enough trust me on that part." I said. "Where will you live?" Stephanie asked. "I own a house, but I don't tell many people about it." I said. "Okay. Where is it?" Paul asked. "It's in Connecticut." I aid. "Okay." Paul said. "Paul, will you help me get a tux because I want you guys to do as much ass possible?" I asked. "Sure, but I might get a little upset." He said. "You should go with Olivia too." I said. "Do you think I'm missing the day my daughter goes shopping for a wedding dress?" He asked. "No." I said. "You better not hurt my little girl." He said pointing a finger at me. "I promise I won't." I said. "I haven't done this to anyone." He said. "I can tell." I said. "I will teach you how to run WWE one day." He said. "Okay." I said. "Did you finish high school?" He asked. "Yes sir." I said. "Do you plan on going to college?" He asked. "I planned on going to online school." I said. "Okay. For what?" He asked. "Business." I said. "Okay. Then all I really have to teach you is how to wrestle." He said. "Okay." I said. Stephanie sat there with smiling. "What's got you so happy?" I asked her. "I just can't believe it." She said. "Well I promise I will do it." I said. "Good." She said. "Can you help me out?" I asked. "Sure. With what?" She asked me. "Planning how I will ask Olivia." I said. "Sure. How about Paul and I distract her while you get set up." Stephanie suggested. "Or you get her a card with 'Will You Marry Me?' in it, and then get down on one knee." Paul suggested. "I like Paul's idea better." I said causing Stephanie to frown. "Liv, hates when you make small deals into big deals. She said and I quote, 'I want a guy to just ask me to marry him and not make a big scene.'. She hates when I make her own birthday more important than my own." I said. "She does Stephanie. I'm Olivia's father and I know she hates when people care more about her than themselves." Paul said. "Okay. Paul your idea seemed more for Olivia anyway." Stephanie said. "See I know Olivia better once." Paul said. "But I know her the best." I said. They both sat there and looked at me. "What? Doesn't she tell you guys anything?" I asked. "What do you mean?" Stephanie asked. "When Olivia would cut I would tell her to cut me and if she couldn't then she shouldn't be cutting. I also got her out of committing suicide once." I said. "How?" Paul asked. "I cut the rope she was trying to hang herself-." I started, but was cut off by Stephanie. "Now we get the picture." She said. "Sorry." I said. "It's okay. We didn't know that's how." Paul said. "We should start to leave." I said. "Yes we should. I have Raw in a few hours I need to leave." Paul said. "Bye Tobias. Bye Stephanie." He said before leaving. "Bye Stephanie." I said before getting up. "Wait a minute. You know how Paul said he didn't do this before." She started, and I shook my head for her to continue. "He has never trusted guys with Olivia. The only ones are his friends, so don't break Olivia's heart or Paul will be coming after you." She said. "Thanks for the warning." I said. Then we went our separate ways.

-Triple H's P.O.V-

When I got to the arena, I saw Samantha and Olivia walking around with Asher and Alexis. "Samantha, come with me please." I said to Samantha. "Okay." She said. We walked to my office because I didn't want Olivia to hear what I wanted to say. "Did you know that Tobias wants to marry Olivia?" I questioned her. "Yes. Wait a second. Did he ask you?" She asked. "Yes." I said. "Oh my! Yes!" She yelled standing up. "Did you say yes?" She asked. "Yes." I said. "Uncle Paul! You never do that.' She said shocked. "I know. He just seems trust worthy." I said. "He is trust worthy. Trust me on that one." She said. "He's cared about Olivia since they first started dating." She added. "Okay. Did he ask you anything?" I asked. "Yes." She said. "What did he ask?" I asked. "He asked if you and Aunt Stephanie would allow him. Then he asked me if I minded him marrying Olivia." She said. "What did you say?" I asked. "You might say no right away and Stephanie would allow him. I said I didn't mind because they were meant to be together." She said. "That's nice of you." I said. "What part?" She asked. "Mine." I said. "You and I both know if he wasn't there for Olivia you would have said no." She said making me laugh. "I know." I siad. "Well I'm going back to Olivia." She said. "Okay. Thanks Samantha." I said. "No problem Uncle Paul." She said before walking out.

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