37 pt. 1

362 4 1

-Olivia's P.O.V-

I walked up to knock on Samantha's door when she opened it. "Where you waiting for us?" I asked. "Yes I was." She said smiling. "What is the date supposed to be?" I asked. "Well he said dress fancy." She said. "Okay." I said. My mom stood there with a smile on her face and said nothing. "Mom?" I asked her. "What kiddo?" She asked. "Why are you so happy?" I asked. "You two are getting so big. Going to each other before coming to me and seeing how you have each other's back." She said. Samantha put a hand on my stomach and stated to rub it. "I can't believe you will be having baby number three." She said smiling. "Neither can I." I said. "What are you going to name it?" She asked. "I haven't thought about names yet." I said. "Why haven't you?" She asked. "Maybe because I don't know the gender." I said. "Sorry. I thought you would start sooner rather than later." She said. "Well I am starting a little bit later." I said. "Okay." She said. My mom just stood there watching us argue. Then I pulled out my phone because I got a text from someone.

UN= Unknown Number

O= Olivia

UN- "You look pretty today Olivia."

O- "How do you know my name?"

UN- "I can see you, but you can't see me."

O- "What do you mean?"

UN- "You will see."

I quickly ran to the kitchen to grab a knife and everyone followed me. "Olivia, what are you going to do with that knife?" My mom asked concerned. "We need to go." I said before pushing my way out. "Olivia is this a prank?" She asked. "You two can die, I'm not." I said before walking out of Samantha's house and getting into my car. They both came out and got into my car before Samantha's house blew up. I didn't start my car and then I got out. "Now what?" Samantha asked. "Call a cab." I said. "Why?" She asked. "We need to go to the police." I said. "Why can't we take your car?" She asked. "Trust me. Call the cops now." I said before we heard gunshots. We all fell to the ground and I handed my mom my phone. "Call 911 and get cops to come here." I said calmly. "Okay." She said sounding scared. I got back into my car and found my gun and bullet proof vests. I put on one and found my other two. (Don't ask why I own bullet proof vests.) I got out and handed my mom and Samantha a vest and gave Samantha my gun. I walked out with my hands in the air like I was surrendering. "I don't know who you are, but please let my mom and friend go." I said. "I will." A guy said walking out. "Why you?" I asked knowing who it was. "Yep it's me. Liv, did you think I could forget about you?" He asked walking towards me. "I heard from a pretty birdy that you are pregnant." He said. "Yeah so." I said. "Where's your mom and Samantha?" He asked. "Why do you want to know?" I questioned. "So they can see you one last time." He said laughing. "You hurt my daughter and I will hurt you!" My mom yelled. He pulled his gun out and pointed it towards her. Then he pulled the trigger and shot her. "Mom!" I yelled before hearing another gun shot go off. I turned around to see him on the ground and cops started to walk up. "Mom, please don't die." I said crying. "Olivia, do you think I would go out without protection?" She asked. "Mom!" I said excitedly while hugging her tightly. "I love you." I added. "I love you too, Sweetie." She said. "Who was that?" She asked. "A guy that I went to school with. He is also the kid's father. I remember he got my whole school thinking I was a you know what." I said. "Oh, okay." She said. Then the cops walked over to us and noticed my mom wasn't bleeding. "Why aren't you bleeding?" The cop asked my mom. "My daughter here owns bullet proof vests and she gave her friend and I one." She said. "Why do you own bullet proof vests?" He asked me this time. "Well a few years ago I was put in a situation that had my life on the line and I was taught how to shoot a gun. I was given a gun and bullet proof vests for protection." I said. The cop shook his head so I knew he understood me. "Thank you." He said before walking away. Then Samantha came running over and hugged both my mom and I. "I thought  you two were dead." She said. "Well we aren't, but he is." I said pointing at him. "How does he know you?" She asked. "That is Alexis and Asher's father, as well as this baby." I said putting my hand on my stomach. "How did he find you?" She asked. "I don't know or care." I said. "Well paybacks a -." Samantha started. "We don't use that type of language." My mom said to Samantha. "Well then." Samantha said. "Um... Well let's talk about other things." I said trying to lighten up the mood. My mom and Samantha just looked at each other with mad looks on their faces. "Okay. I'm tired of this. I'm walking home, and you two can stay here until you decide to talk again." I said getting mad. "Okay. I'll walk with you." My mom said. "No not until you say something to Samantha." I said. "I'm calling dad to pick us up because I don't trust my car." I added. When I I started to call my dad , my mom and Samantha decided to talk to each other.

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