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-Olivia's P.O.V-
"Do you think I look okay?" I asked Samantha. "Yes you look perfectly fine." She said. "Do you think it my dad will like this?" I asked her. "No, but don't worry about him. Have fun on the date." She said. I laughed at what she had said. We heard a knock on the door, and I went to open it. When I opened it I saw it was my parents. "Where are you going Olivia?" My father asked. "Going out with a friend." I said. "Why do you look like that?" He said pointing to my outfit. I was going to answer before Samantha showed up in a dress. "I was taking her to a fancy restaurant to see if we can find a cute guys." Samantha said. "Okay, but if I fiind out there is a different reason your both grounded." He said. "Will mom say it this time?" I asked. "Yes she will." He said. I loved when my mom said it because she does it the way she does "you're fired", and I laugh at it all the time. I usually got into trouble, but I just couldn't take her the way I should. I looked at Samantha, and she stood there with a smile on her face. "Well we need to start to go before we are late for our reservations." Samantha said. As we left I looked her, and smiled. "Thank you!" I yelled hugging her. "Where are you going?" I asked remembering what she told my father. "Tobias said I can stay at his house if something like that happened. I will be driving you there and I will be bringing you home so Paul doesn't get supscious." She said. "Okay." I said back.
*At Tobias' House*
When we got to Tobias' house his mom answered the door. "You must be Olivia, and you must be Samantha." She said pointing at us. "Yes we are ma'am. Did Tobias tell you about the plan?" Samantha asked. "Yes." She said before inviting us inside. "Hi Tobias." I said walking up to him. "You look very pretty, Olivia." He said. I started to blush and he started to laugh. "You look very handsome, Tobias." I said. "You both look good we all get it too." Samantha said. We both started to blush, and Samantha and Tobias' mom started to laugh.
Tobias took me to his car, helped me get in, and started to drive to where he was taking me to. "Where are we going?" I asked. "It's a surprise." He said. "Fine." I said. He put one of his hands on my thigh, and started to rub it with his thumb. When the car stopped he got out of it, and then he walked over to my door. I saw we were in a field, and nobody was around. "I love this place." I said. "I know you would and here is the best part." He said as we walked up to a pinic basket. "This is the best date ever." I said smiling. "Thanks." He said. I hugged him and he hugged me back. Then he kissed my forehead, and I kissed his cheek. "Let's sit down now." He said. We sat down, and he started to bring out food. "Samantha will call us ten minutes before you and her have to leave." He said. "Okay." I said. He looked at me and stuck his tongue out. "Do you still like In The End by Black Viel Brides?" He asked. "Yes I still love that song." I said. He walked over, and played the song. We started to dance crazily, and then The Only Exceptionby Paramore came on. "May I have this dance, Olivia?" He asked. "Yes, you may." I said. We started to slow dance, and then I looked up to see him looking down on me. He started to move his lips towards mine and I did the same thing. When our lips connected it was sweet and passionate. When the song was over he got a text from Samantha saying it was time to come back. "Olivia, can I ask you a question." He asked sounding nervous. "Sure." I siad smiling at him. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Yes, I will." I said before kissing him again. We cleaned up, adn left to his house. When we got there Samantha was waiting for me, and then I saw why/ I saw my parents car there. "Why are they here?" I asked Samantha. "Paul and Stephanie called me saying they would pick us up. I tried to lie to them, but they didn't take it so they started the car. I heard it through the phone, and they said they were going to find us. They just pulled up, and they think you are using the restroom. Tobias' mom unlocked the bathroom window, and locked the door for you to get into it without people knowing." She said. "Thank you. Know what bathroom?" I asked. She pointed towards the window for me, and I climbed through, When I got in there I flushed the toliet, and washed my hands to make it sound like I used the restroom. When I walked out my parents were looking at me. I hugged Tobias' mom, and said a thank you to her.
*Back to Olivia's House*
"What were you two doing there?" My dad asked. "We were hanging out with a friend." Samantha said. "Looking like that?!" He asked yelling. "Well, I went out with him. We got back together because he took me on a date." I said smiling. "Why did you two lie to me and your mother, Olivia?" He asked. "Well one it is your mother and I. Two we knew you wouldn't let me go." I said. "Well you can not date him if it is that Tobias dude." He said. "Well it is, and I will date him no matter what you say." I said. "Do you think I'm playing a game?" He asked. "Nope, and I just started." I said. "What do you mean?" My mom asked me. "You'll see." I said before walking up the stairs.
-Stephanie's P.O.V-
"I wonder what her game plan is?" I said which sounded like a question. "I don't know, but she can't beat The Game." Paul said. I started to laugh, but Samantha stood there looking at us. "You guys don't know what you got yourself into." She said that before she walked up stairs. "Should we be worried?" I asked Paul. "No. The girls are just trying to scare us." He said. "Okay. I think we should get some sleep we have a big day tomorrow." I said before heading up stairs. When I passed Olivia's door I heard them yelling at something. I walked in to see them playing WWE 2K15 on the Xbox 1. "Time to get ready for bed. We have a big day tomorrow." I told them. "Yes mom." Olivia said. "Got it Steph." Samantha said. "Goodnight girls." I said. When I walked out I heard the girls start to talk about something, and then they to laugh at whatever they were saying. "What's wrong?" Paul asked as I walked in. "The girls. When I walked out of Olivia's room they started to whisper and then laughed." I said. "Calm down. You need to get ready for bed too. Like you said we have a big day tomorrow." He said which made me laugh. Then I got in bed and Paul started to laugh. "What?" I asked him. "Finally you're in bed." He said laughing. He kissed my forehead, and then I finally let sleep take over.
-Olivia's P.O.V-
We started to pack things into book bags, and I grabbed my car keys. I wrote a note for y parents just in case I wasn't back in the morning.
Dear Mom and Dad,
I will be hanging out with Samantha all night. If it is morning and I'm still not back don't come looking for us, we will come to WWE.

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