preface/face claims

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hello and welcome to a new story!! thank you so much for clicking on this and giving it a chance! this is my fourth wattpad story, and i'm super excited to share it with you all! but as always, we have a couple things to discuss before we get started...

    as far as i'm aware, sapnap is okay with fanfiction. but if he ever expresses any sort of discomfort, i will immediately take this down. his boundaries are the number 1 priority!

    even though it seems like sapnap is okay with nsfw content, there will be no smut in this story. however... there will be a bit of spice... NOTHING EXTREME THOUGH. just a little more description if you know what i mean. that being said, this is my first time writing anything remotely spicy, so PLEASE have mercy on me and don't tear me apart  for it or laugh at me too hard because i'm so nervous to write it LOL. constructive criticism is always appreciated, though!

    while we're on the subject, i want to say that if you are uncomfortable with spice, that is okay! i will put a warning in bold/italics/underlined every time a spice scene is starting, and add one when it's over (if it's over before the end of the chapter). everything done in the spice scenes will be consensual and sfw, but i strongly urge you to skip the scenes if you have the slightest suspicion that you'll be uncomfortable reading them. with all that being said, i would appreciate everyone not commenting under any spice scene saying that they feel weird about it, it isn't something i'd usually write, etc. i'm aware that it's different, and i'm having fun writing something that's not an angsty, fluffy slowburn with an emotionally broken oc for once LOL

    it's sorta become tradition to say this in every story because i feel so strongly about this, and i feel the need to put extra emphasis on this since this is definitely my boundary that's most broken, and also one of, if not my #1, biggest pet peeve as a writer: before you comment on an outfit/picture/makeup/room/etc in the story, KEEP IN MIND THAT THIS IS AN X OC! NOT X READER! i base the oc's style and aesthetic around what i want it to be, which might not necessarily line up with your personal aesthetic. she has her own style and her own taste, and if it doesn't match yours that's okay! you can change it in your head, but PLEASE, i'm begging on my hands and knees, don't comment on it. and if you do comment, your comment is getting deleted and i will openly express my frustration with you. i know i sound very dramatic LOL but nothing gets under my skin more than that. i hope this doesn't scare you guys bc i promise i'm nice and i love you all but pleaseeee respect my boundaries :]

    i don't have an uploading schedule! i try to update every two to three days, but that's not a promise. i mean, this was obvious enough with sweet tooth, my story that went on for over a year!! my life is constantly fluctuating, and since i'm a working student, i have a very busy schedule already. i'll do the best i can to let you guys know if i'll be inactive. also, don't assume i discontinued the story if i don't update for a while! i'm almost positive i'll never discontinue this, or any story i publish, but if i ever do i'll make sure you guys know.

    this story will mostly be told in the oc's pov, but if the pov ever chances i'll let you guys know at the beginning of the chapter.

    speaking of oc, i said this in sweet tooth and i'll say it here: we don't stan hate on the oc </3 she's not perfect, and that's part of what i like about my oc's. she will have flaws, she will make stupid decisions, she will say things she'll regret. in my opinion, that makes her more human! so please refrain from hating on her TOO much in the comments :') obviously if she does something stupid you can express frustration or annoyance, but yk i treat my oc's like my children LMAO. you guys were great about doing this for haven in sweet tooth, so let's continue that in this story!

    i swear we're almost done, but this note is specifically for this story: i've heard that sapnap doesn't like it when fans use his real name, whether or not that's true i'm not sure, but just in case i'm going to refer to him as sapnap in this story!

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