chapter 5- bad decision

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"bye," i say, attempting to swerve around sapnap. but he blocks my way again.

"leaving so soon?" he asks. "the party's just begun."

his eyes trail down my body rather obnoxiously and i roll my eyes.

"i need another drink if i have to continue dealing with you."

i zoom around him and off to the kitchen, sapnap following hot on my heels.

"didn't sound like you washed your hands," the brunette accuses me as he continues trailing me, my attempt to speed up and lose him clearly not working. "that's gross, you know?"

"your face is gross."

"at least i'm hygienic," he chuckles at himself. "hey, that was a good burn, cassia. got any others up your sleeve?"

"i didn't go to the bathroom, alright? just freshened up. not that it's any of your business."

"that's what they all say. pretty sure i heard the toilet flush, though."

"you heard wrong."

i make my way to the punch bowl, pouring too much of the fruity drink into a red solo cup.

"you sure you can handle all that?" sapnap asks while grabbing a beer from the cooler. "you strike me as a lightweight."

"why does everyone say that?" i reply exasperated.

i turn around to look at sapnap again, and i see he's already staring at me with a light smile. i fight the urge to pull my dress down.

"you look nice," he says. his compliment throws me off guard.

"thanks," i say.

"aww, no 'you too?'"

"don't compliment someone if all you're looking for is a compliment back."

i try to subtly glance at his outfit without looking like i'm checking him out. he's wearing a lilac ripped balenciaga hoodie (at a party? really? do you not care about an expensive hoodie getting dirty?), a black cap (you're indoors, what do you need a cap for?), black baggy pants (i have nothing insulting to think about those), and black nikes (how many name brands can you wear in one outfit?) he's not hideous, but also not anything to write home about.

"well, you've already stared me up and down twice, so..." he trails off suggestively.

"don't flatter yourself," i immediately say in defense. "i didn't do anything like that. you, however-"

"don't finish that sentence."

my lips form into a straight line and he raises his eyebrows in response.

the two of us awkwardly stand near each other- not close enough to call it "next to," but not far enough away to not acknowledge- not saying anything, sipping the drinks in our hands. there's a noticeable tension in the air, like we want to lunge at each other's throats and are barely holding back.

"so, i'm gonna go," i say, looking at sapnap's dark green eyes. have his eyes always been this piercing shade of moss green? i could've sworn they were uglier.

"then go," he says. "what are you telling me that for?"

suddenly his eyes don't look as pretty anymore.

"asshole," i mutter as i turn around and walk away. i can hear sapnap laughing behind me, and i assume he heard me.

i weave between people dancing in the center of the room, helplessly looking for someone i recognize. i don't want to go back to alex, that's probably gonna make me look like he's my only friend. but i also don't want to strike up a conversation with a drunk stranger, either.

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