chapter 3- romantic tension

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"hell no," i respond.

"listen first!" noel pleads.

"hell. no."

"cassia! the viewers are obsessed with you guys. didn't you see your chat?"

"no, not really. i was too focused on that asshole bothering me that i didn't read much else. what did they say?"

noel heads over to my desk, clicking away at my computer. he pulls up my vod, which is already saved to my twitch, and scrolls to the very end.

"read that chat carefully," he instructs.

i do, but i really wish i hadn't.

user1: OMG they're flirting?!

user2: SAPNAP?!?!

user3: this is so weird but so cute what is happening


user5: i smell an enemies to lovers...

user6: RIVALS TO LOVERS?! <3

user7: HI SAPNAP

"this is gonna make me hurl," i say, holding my head.


"no, i actually think i'm gonna boke."


"like, throw up all over the place and-"


"sorry." i snap out of my trance-like state, rubbing my temples. "i just... ew. of course it had to be sapnap, of all people."

"but the people love it!"

"i don't care, i will never speak to that man again if i can help it."

"you're already trending on twitter! have you ever trended on twitter?" noel asks, scrolling through his phone excitedly.

"yeah, plenty of times," i reply annoyed.

"right, you did trend that one time you got canceled for bashing a misogynist too hard."

"there's no such thing as bashing a misogynist too hard."

"twitter disagrees."

"well, twitter's stupid."

"and yet you're the one using it."

"i hate it."

"careful, you could get canceled for saying that."

"is there a point to this conversation?"

"yes." noel sits down on my bed, putting his phone away. "my point is, sapnap is good for your image. you saw it in the chat, everyone loves a good rivalry, especially if there's romantic tension between said rivals. and you and sapnap seem to have a LOT of romantic tension."

"in what world do sapnap and i have romantic tension?"

"he was calling you pet names in the stream."

"please. one instance of calling someone 'honey' does not equal romantic tension."

"regardless! you're trending and it's thanks to him. you're also $15 richer thanks to him."

i roll my eyes.

"anyway, you've got a big day tomorrow," noel says. "skating competition. bright and early. 9 AM. at cliffstone park. you're scheduled to be the second skater to go on in the advanced division. there are eight people in your category, so your round shouldn't last long. you'll probably be done within an hour."

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