chapter 34- golf cart

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you're going to sleep soon right??

i'm wide awake but i'm going to force myself to sleep

isn't that so ironic?

the way i've been drained all day but the second it's
a time that society deems acceptable to be asleep at...
i'm buzzing with energy

unfortunately i think that's a universal

society sucks

that it does

don't forget that creator badge pickup is at 9

there's transportation going to and from the
convention so we'll catch one of those around



that's a reasonable time to be up

ugh you're psychotic

and you're dragging out the conversation
because you don't want to sleep

you know me so well

that's a (fake) boyfriend's duty

good night cass <3

good night (fake) boyfriend <3

i set my alarm for 6 (so i have time to hit snooze at least four times before i actually have to get up) then place my phone on the nightstand next to the hotel bed. i close my eyes and struggle to fall asleep, but eventually the feeling of slumber falls over me.

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀˚ ༘

the cacophony of panicked knocks on wood makes my eyes open groggily. i try to ignore the annoying sound coming from my door, assuming that the knocks aren't meant for me but for someone that is a couple doors down. it's early, the hotel hall lights are dim, the numbers on the door are very tiny. it's an easy mistake to make.

i drag myself out of bed when the pounding on my door doesn't stop. i should've looked through the peephole first, but it completely slips my exhausted mind. i open the door to find a terrified looking sapnap standing on the other side.

"cassia!" he shouts, his eyes going wide as he sees me. "holy shit!"

"what?" i ask, my voice scratchy while i rub my eye.

"you're not dressed! you're not... anything!"

"right. my alarm hasn't gone off yet. i don't know why you're here so early."

"it's 8:40! we're supposed to be downstairs in ten minutes!" that line wakes me up better than any shot of espresso ever could.

"you're lying!" i shout as i run back into my room and immediately grab the outfit i had laid out the night before. "fuck, i don't have time to go into the bathroom, turn around and don't you dare watch!"

"i don't have time to watch you change, i have to get all your other stuff together. where is it all?"

"i don't even know!" i pull my black shirt over my head. "but i do know that my brush is in the bathroom- please grab it and bring it over here! but keep your head down the entire time!"

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