chapter 32- third wheel

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an alarm blaring at 7:30 AM is not my ideal way to start my thursday. what's even worse is noel parading into my room mere seconds after my alarm went off, fully dressed and clapping his hands maniacally.

"up, up, up!" he chants loudly, his obnoxious voice sounding over the tune of my "by the seaside" alarm. i can't think of a worse combination. "it's 7:30! i repeat, 7:30! that means you have thirty, yes thirty, minutes to fully ready!"

"can you shut up?" i groan horsley as i rub my eyes and turn off my alarm. i sit up in bed and swing my legs over the edge. if i lay down a second longer, i'm definitely going to go back to sleep.

"get up! get up! get-" i toss one of my pillows at his face to make him stop talking. he dodges with ease- the pillow toss is a trick he's grown accustomed to after all these years.

"i'm up, idiot. now leave the room so i can change."

"i'm coming back in at 7:45 to make sure you're not asleep again."

"i hope the door slams into your huge head." noel giddily walks out the door, careful to not hit his head on the door. i stand up wearily, rubbing my swollen eyes and cheeks as i grab my phone.




did you just... text me in all caps?

this is the best day of my life

also why tf are you only just now replying?

i sent that message 45 minutes ago 

did you just get up?!

yea lol



i'm literally leaving in 15 minutes to go
to your house and you're only JUST NOW

yea lol


go get ready

see you soon :) <3

a heart?! 
i must be dreaming

don't make me swoon now <3

i laugh as i set my phone aside and pull on the sweats i laid out the night before. it's nothing cute, but i'd rather be comfortable and be able to sleep on the plane than be stylish and uncomfortable. it's a direct flight from florida to california- slightly more than five hours cramped on a plane. not ideal.

once dressed, i take out my list of packing essentials and double check that everything is in my carry-on. all three of us agreed to try to pack light so we didn't have to go through baggage claim. it was an extremely tight fit, but somehow all my clothes, toiletries, and makeup fit into one large backpack. it's probably only barely gonna fit under the plane seat, but it'll work.

at 7:45, noel kept his promise and knocked on my door.

"i'm ready," i say, opening the door and leaving the room before he has the chance to come barreling in.

"wow! look at you, all grown up," he says proudly. "such an adult."

"i've been an adult for many years."

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