chapter 12- burner

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sapnap's pov

when i reach cassia's house i park her car in the driveway, just as noel instructed, and open the door as quietly as i can. i rush to the passenger side and open the door for cassia, who needs less support than earlier, but still can't walk very well.

i drape her arm around my shoulders again as she weakly pushes her car door closed. i lock her car and walk to the front door, not knocking as noel also instructed. he seems to have this entrance very planned out, and i am in no position to object.

we stand outside the door for a while, until i hear the door unlock and watch it open.

the boy standing behind the door looks practically like a carbon copy of cassia: they have the same tanned skin, dark, curly hair (though his is cut much shorter than hers), and deep brown eyes. i shift my glance between the two of them a few times before speaking.


"hey. come in," noel says, stepping aside to let me in. "and take your shoes off when you get up here. we can't have them tracking stuff or making noise."

"sure." i slip off my shoes as soon as i get inside, and cassia fumbles with her shoelaces. noel turns on a kitchen light and nods cassia and me over. we don't argue and walk over as quickly as we can. noel sits down first at the head of the table, so cassia and i sit on both sides of the table closest to him.

"are you guys twins?" i ask, pointing between cassia and noel.

"yeah," they both reply.

"i can tell. you guys look-"

"identical," cassia cuts me off.

"we know," noel laughs. "anyway, since you're here, sapnap, i'd like to ask the both of you a couple of questions."

"sure," i reply, not entirely sure where this might be going, and also unsure of how much about me and cassia's complicated relationship he knows.

"what happened tonight?"

"i took advantage of the fact that i didn't have to pay for drinks," cassia says.

"that much is obvious, but i meant between the two of you. did you guys have a round two?"

oh. he knows a lot.

"round two?" i repeat, praying that i'm misinterpreting his words.

"i mean, i can see hickeys forming on cassia's neck, so i guess i didn't really have to ask. unless you weren't the one that gave those to her, sapnap?"

i clear my throat and try my best to remain composed.

"why are you assuming that i did that?"

"because you're the one she sucked faces with a couple weeks ago."

i inhale sharply as cassia snorts.

"true," she says.

"you're not helping!" i hiss at her.

"what's going on between you two?" noel asks. he turns his attention to cassia. "you told me you didn't want to do that ever again, and that you two had both agreed on that."

"it's complicated-"

"i'm not asking you!" noel snaps at me.

"don't shout at him!" cassia snaps back.

"then stop lying!"



"well, it's really none of your business what goes on between us though, is it?"

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