chapter 1- kickflip backside tailslide

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"i feel like this is gonna be the one," i mutter as i set my camera down, leaning it against my half-empty bottle of water. i press record, then grab my skateboard and head to the top of the stairs. i stare at the railing for a moment before inhaling deeply.

i've been attempting the kickflip backside tailslide for days now. and every single time i eat shit and fall to the floor.

but this time feels good. i feel like i got it this time. why? i have no idea. something in the air? women's intuition? a gut feeling? whatever you want to call it.

it's dark out at this point, i've been at the skate park for so long. it's completely desolate other than me, which is good. if i flop over again, no one is gonna see. which doesn't make it any less physically painful, but a much less painful blow to my ego.

i take many steps back, then get ready to push and take off. i put my right foot forward (why did i have to skate goofy? it makes it so much more difficult to find tutorials that compensate for the way i skate) and start riding the board. the rail approaches quickly, and i attempt the trick.

i ollie as high as i can, and end up making it to the top of the railing. the back of my board roughly slides down the rail, and it goes fine until i go off the bottom of the railing. my board flies out from under my feet, and i fall forwards.

"ow..." i mutter to myself as my board rolls away. i roll over, lay on the floor, and stare at the night sky for a moment, before exhaling deeply and getting up, grunting in the process. after hours of falling, it's starting to wear on me. i don't even want to know how many bruises i'll have in the morning.

i crawl over to my phone and end the recording. maybe if i just crop out the end, it'll look like i didn't fall and everyone will be amazed.

i scoff at my own thoughts. as if.

i stand up and look around for my board. it couldn't have gone far, so why don't i see it?

"looking for this?" i hear from a distance. my lips form into a straight line as soon as i hear that snarky, cocky, deep voice. i whip around quickly, my ponytail nearly slapping my face in the process, and see him standing there.

"sapnap," i state his name sternly.

"cassia," he addresses me, my board in his hand.

"as much as i love our banter, i don't feel like talking to you right now. so how about you give me my board and go home?"

"oh, but teasing you is so much more fun!"

"where are your minions? punz and foolish? are those their names? hardly relevant enough to remember, if you ask me. or your silly little roommates? since you can't afford to live on your own," i change the subject and walk towards the boy. i snatch my board out of his hands, looking up at him with clear annoyance in my eyes.

"if i recall correctly, you're the one still living with your mommy and brother."

"go to hell."

"just as cold as always. or maybe bitchy is a better term."

"or maybe just tired of your bullshit."

"aww, sweetheart's still mad that she's never beaten me in a skating competition? and that she's never surpassed me in twitch followers? poor baby, you go through so much. life must be so difficult for you."

"once again, go to hell." i walk back to where i was standing so i can practice the trick again. i almost got it last time, so i'll just use that same technique, but actually land this time.

"you can leave now," i spit out angrily as i turn to the brunette that's still watching me from a distance, with crossed arms, a black oversized hoodie, and a black cap over his eyes, even though there's no sun out, making him look like a total douchebag. or maybe he looks like one because he is one.

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